Podcast Directory

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En lokal podcast med fokus på fria samtal

Guilherme Lobão - CBN Sabores Brasília

Sempre com muito bom humor e informação, Guilherme Lobão fala das últimas notícias da gastronomia do Distrito Federal.

V ženskom rode

S Katkou Strýčkovou o láske, nádeji a sile v ženskom rode.

Investiční podcast Vojta Žižka

Diskuse a rozhovory ze světa financí, investic, nemovitostí a kryptoměn.

Inside Forensic Science

The podcast was commissioned by the Leverhulme Research Centre for Forensic Science at the University of Dundee. LRCFS works to disrupt conventional thinking, embrace new opportunities, and drive innovation that enables reliable science to be used in the delivery of justice. The series is narrated by Pennie Latin, the researcher was Heather Doran (Public Engagement Manager, LRCFS) consultant Pauline Mack (Digital Learning Technology Lead, LRCFS). Inside Forensic Science is an Adventurous Audio production. The podcast was funded by The Leverhulme Trust.

Black Island Girl

Black Island Girl Multimedia is an online magazine that profiles prolific women and female ran organizations who are of the islands and identify as women of African heritage. The show will be available as a podcast and a profile available on www.blackislandgirl.com as well as on iTunes and Spotify.

Financially Speaking ~ Kathy Cook Noble

LIVE MON 5 PM ET/4 CT/3 MT/2 PT  Everywhere you go, everywhere you turn, everyone you talk to, money appears. Either in conversation, in thoughts, in dreams, in stress, in arguments and in planning. Money is the one commodity that everyone can universally agree that they all need. Most people navigate through their lives not really understanding how money works or how to keep more of it. http://www.kathycook.ca/

Luscious Living Podcast

Want to know what it takes to live a life we LOVE from the inside out? Welcome to Luscious Living! I'm your host, Selin Bilgin, a Holistic Nutrition Consultant & Speaker. Together we will dive into what it means to live a luscious live in ALL areas of life: financial, health, beauty, style, career, spiritually, and more. I believe we were meant to THRIVE and have an abundance, and from that place we can give back to others, and be the beautiful, vibrant, magnetic woman we came here to be. Are we connected on Instagram? Find me here: https://www.instagram.com/_lusciousliving_/Website: www.selinbilgin.com

The Kathleen Riessen Show

LIVE MONS 11 AM ET/10CT/9MT/8PT Are you ready to earn consistent income and build a six-figure+ business? Maybe you’ve already started your business or maybe you’re thinking about it. Either way, you get to build something that is FUN and PROFITABLE! After building seven profitable businesses and having consulted and coached with thousands of entrepreneurs around the world, Kathleen Riessen knows the keys to building a successful six-figure+ business and she is here to teach them to you. In Profit Launch with Kathleen Riessen, you will learn how to birth your vision into the world, identify your ideal client, refine your offer, build your marketing strategy, sell and scale. Kathleen will also share the traps and pitfalls she ran into along the way so you can avoid those. https://www.kathleenriessen.com kathleen@kathleenriessen.com     Kathleen’s Book: Joy in Uncertainty: A Guide to Creating a Meaningful Life Purchase on Amazon.com  

Journey Abroad

Journey Abroad is a show that highlights Africans studying and living abroad, their experiences, as well as tips and tricks on how to thrive in new environments.