Podcast Directory

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WDR 3 Open Sounds

Ohne die Innovationen in den legendären WDR-Studios wäre die Musikgeschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts anders verlaufen. Und wie gehts weiter? WDR 3 Open Sounds präsentiert am späten Samstagabend elektronische Avantgarde, Outlaw-Pop, Digitalmusik und Akustische Kunst. Neue Perspektiven auf historische Wendepunkte und Ausblicke auf die Klangwelt von morgen.

Fast Takes: The Best of The BeanCast Marketing Podcast

Quick insights from The BeanCast Marketing Podcast. Posts every Wednesday at http://beancast.us


每个人都是自己的疗愈专家。问题是生活的一部分,拯救我们的良方就存在于我们自己的体内。催眠师和你一起探寻人类潜意识,开启一段自我探索与完善的旅程。自我催眠学习Q群:210831212 咨询邮箱:327488679@qq.com

My belongs with Himari

皆さんこんにちは! Himariです。 とある日本の大学に通う19歳が、リアルタイムな社会問題、環境問題、動物愛護、メンタルヘルスについてお話をお届けします。ゲストを呼び様々な社会問題に関して、ディスカッションをするセッションあります! 是非、enjoy and relax して聞いてください:) Hi everyone ! I'm Himari. Japanese 19 years old student will talk about realtime social problem, environmental issues, animal protection, and mental health. Sometimes I'll invite the guests and will discuss about these topics together. Please enjoy your listening :)

The Keto Diet Podcast

Support your low-carb, high-fat life with The Keto Diet Podcast, a fresh take on ketogenic living with Holistic Nutritionist and keto enthusiast, Leanne Vogel of HealthfulPursuit.com. Interviews with thought leaders, keto veterans, and exclusive content delivering powerful actions to understanding keto, developing a ketogenic diet that works for you, overcoming daily keto struggles, boosting body confidence, shedding weight, and more.

Luxury On Air

Luxury On Air explores the trends, innovations and personalities defining and redefining the luxury industry. Delving into the real-world, theoretical and strategic implications of running and growing luxury brands in our ever-changing world, this podcast brings together global thought leaders, business leaders, brands, retailers and consumers. Hosted by Karine Szegedi and Felicitas Morhart, Luxury On Air is brought to you by Deloitte Switzerland and the Swiss Center for Luxury Research. Karine and Felicitas bring their knowledge of the luxury goods industry from two very different vantage points - the worlds of consulting and academia – to discuss, analyse and hypothesise transformational topics.

Eppur si muove - In vendar se vrti

Eppur si muove - In vendar se vrti, je pred stoletji vzkliknil nesrečni italijanski astronom Galileo. Njegove besede pa so še danes najprimernejši skupni imenovalec za redno tedensko oddajo Zunanjepolitičnega uredništva Radia Slovenija, ki ponuja petnajstminutno vzročno-posledično analizo mednarodnega dogodka ali dogajanja, ki ga v rednih dnevno-informativnih oddajah ni bilo mogoče osvetliti v zadostni meri v tednu. Oddaja v spletu analitičnega besedila, intervjujev s tujimi in domačimi strokovnjaki in analitiki, z neposrednimi udeleženci dogodkov ter z izbrano glasbeno opremo tako ponuja izčrpen odgovor na enega od petih ključnih vprašajev novinarskega dela, namreč zakaj . Zakaj je nek dogodek pomemben, kakšni so vzroki in kakšne bodo posledice, zakaj bo neka ideja našla pot v zgodovino in zakaj neka druga ne.

The Reservoir Tapes Podcast

Short story series by Jon McGregor set in the Peak District.

Und nun zum Sport

Fußball-Bundesliga, Champions-League, Sportpolitik bei Fifa und DFB: "Und nun zum Sport", der Fußball-Podcast der Süddeutschen Zeitung, gibt Einblicke in das wichtigste Fußball-Thema der Woche. Jeden Montag diskutieren SZ-Sportredakteure die Hintergründe der aktuellen Ereignisse.

The CUUPS Podcast

The CUUPS Podcast explores the world of Earth-Centered Spirituality and UU-Paganism as it is lived in over 1,040 UU Congregations across North America. Includes interviews, music and happenings from CUUPS members and chapters across the US with occasional info from our sister organizations the Unitarian Earth Spirit Network in the UK, and Six Source in Canada.