Podcast Directory

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SaskScapes is a podcast hosted and created by Kevin Power, it features stories of arts, culture and heritage in Saskatchewan. The first two seasons of SaskScapes were sponsored exclusively by SaskCulture www.saskculture.ca as part of the Community Engagement Animateur program. Funding to the cultural sector is provided by the Saskatchewan Lotteries Trust Fund for Sport, Culture and Recreation.

Pest Equity Podcast

Pest Equity Business Podcast Listen, Learn & Dive Into The Entrepreneurial Mindset. Eye Opening Episodes Sharing Knowledge, Facts, B2B/C Experts, Leadership Building, Self Growth The Everyday Entrepreneur Experience & Much More.. Let‘s Talk About It!!

Frasch for enarken - Friesisch für alle

"Frasch for enarken" gibt Nordfriesland seine eigene Sprache. Nur auf den Inseln im Wattenmeer und auf dem Festland zwischen Bredstedt und der dänischen Grenze sind die Insel- und Festlandsdialekte der alten westgermanischen Sprache noch zu hören. NDR 1 Welle Nord beweist jeden Mittwoch um circa 19.30 Uhr, dass sich auf Friesisch das Leben von heute abbilden lässt, es lebendig, versteh- und erlernbar ist. Wir sind auf den Inseln und dem Festland unterwegs, besuchen Butenfriesen, gehen in Schulen, Handwerksbetriebe, treffen Schauspielgruppen und viele andere, um Friesisch im Alltag zu erleben.

Das Landeshaus

Die Geschichte hinter der Nachricht ist manchmal spannender als die Nachricht selbst. Erst recht in der Politik. In unserem Podcast „Das Landeshaus“ blicken wir hinter die Kulissen der Landespolitik in Schleswig-Holstein. Die Reporter ordnen ein, sprechen über ihre Arbeit und über ihre Recherchen.

Labrador Morning from CBC Radio Nfld. and Labrador (Highlights)

CBC Radio's Labrador Morning keeps people informed about what's happening around them. Labradorians hear about it first on Labrador Morning. 434043

美中不足 Impodfect Union



睿智悟出真理 閱讀豐富人生 李怡暢談閱讀感受和心得



An Irishman Abroad

An Irishman Abroad features rare long-form interviews with extraordinary characters such as Sir Bob Geldof, Sharon Horgan, Hozier, Brian O'Driscoll, Chris O'Dowd, Boy George, Dara O’Briain, Gabriel Byrne, Lisa Hannigan and Dylan Moran. In each episode, comedian Jarlath Regan is joined by a well known writer, actor, performer, athlete or public figure to discuss their life and shared experiences of Ireland and abroad. An Irishman Abroad is a former winner of the iTunes Store's Best New Audio Podcast Award and has been a fixture in iTunes' Best of the year list since its creation in 2013. An Irishman Abroad has been recommended by The Guardian, The Telegraph, The Irish Times and The London Metro. (To access the full archive including almost 300 episodes and the true crime bonus series Irishman Behind Bars, visit patreon.com/irishmanabroad today.) Thanks to our sponsor, CurrencyFair, who are a great way to avoid massive bank fees and expensive exchange rates when transferring money abroad. Listeners of the podcast get their first transfer for free so go to currencyfair.com/irishman and register there to get your free transfer and save a lot of money.

Less Stressed Life: Anti-inflammatory Functional Medicine

Stress is the inflammation that robs us of life, energy, and happiness. Our typical solutions for gut health and hormones imbalances have let a lot of us down. We’re over medicated and under-served. At the LSL, we are a community of health savvy women exploring solutions outside our traditional western medicine toolbox & training, to raise the bar and change our stories. Each week, our hope is that you leave our sessions inspired to learn, grow, and share these stories to raise to the bar in your life and home. Raise the Bar. Change Your Story.