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A vipcast különleges embereket és fontos trendeket - elsősorban interjúk formájában - bemutató podcast. A vipcast-et Szalay Dániel újságíró készíti.
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Tudatosság, őszinteség és sok beszélgetés. Epres Panni műsora a testi és lelki jóllétről.
The BongoHive Podcast
The BongoHive Podcast is serialised audio content taking listeners through the various challenges they may face as budding entrepreneurs and how they can tackle them. BongoHive is Zambia’s first technology and innovation hub. Established in May 2011 and based in Lusaka, we work with great minds building viable solutions that change the world. Want to start or grow your business? Call +260 95 301 7526, send an email to contactus@bongohive.co.zm or visit www.bongohive.co.zm for more information.
This is a podcast about helping young people let God guide them as the seek to find their way through life.
Growth to Freedom - Transform Your Life, Business, and Relationships with Clarity, Confidence, and Direction
Freedom only happens when you are driven by purpose. As one of my friends Joe Polish says: “… if you want a breakthrough, you’ve got to break something…” The Growth to Freedom™ Show helps you transform your life in business and in relationships. It’s a fresh mix of strategy, resources, and entertainment that guides you to create the personal and business breakthroughs you need. Your success and freedom will only grow to the extent you do, and the The Growth to Freedom™ Show will help you find clarity, confidence, and direction. Two weeks after my son was born in 2007, I found myself in a hospital for four days with a serious heart problem. The fact is, I had let my health go to the extent that my body gave out. It was a major wakeup call. That experience opened a new door of awareness for me. I came to realize that if I wanted something different, I needed to do something different. If I wanted something better, I needed to do it better. We’re living at one of the most exciting times in history and I believe you can have freedom on your terms. You can have it all, if you’re willing to take the necessary steps. It’s not easy. I’ve certainly made my share of mistakes and I want to help you avoid those on your own journey. This show was born as part of my process and was inspired by Joe Polish, Genius Network, and many mentors I’m also fortunate to call friends. It doesn’t matter what your background is or where you’ve been: It only matters that you want to grow.Whatever your definition of success, I will challenge, guide, and connect you to some of the best leaders and experts in the world today. Now is your time - you deserve it! The catalyst for greatness is inside of you, and it starts now with Growth to Freedom! Insights and strategy from experts like - T Harv Eker, Craig Ballantyne, Dan Sullivan, Strategic Coach, Genius Network Joe Polish, and more
The Thriving Dentist Show
Gary Takacs is helping you build a great dental practice that provides personal, professional and financial satisfaction.