Podcast Directory

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The NoSleep Podcast

The NoSleep Podcast is a multi-award winning anthology series of original horror stories, with rich atmospheric music to enhance the frightening tales.

Zwei zu Tisch - der Hospitality Podcast rund um HR & Digitalisierung

“Zwei zu Tisch” - das ist der Gastro Podcast rund um Personal, Management & New Work von gastromatic. Unsere Gastgeberin Luise Hoepfner, selbst Gastronomin & Cateringbetreiberin im Frankfurter Westend ("vif"), bittet regelmäßig Menschen zu Tisch, um mit ihnen über die Zukunft der Branche zu sprechen. Denn eine zentrale Herausforderung im Gastgewerbe ist das Personal und damit die Frage, wie zeitgemäße Mitarbeiterführung und zielführendes Employer Branding aussehen. Im Wesentlichen geht es uns also darum, wie das Arbeiten für alle - Arbeitgeber genauso wie Arbeitnehmer - schöner, besser und erfolgreicher werden kann. Wir sprechen mit Menschen, die dazu konkrete Ideen haben, teilen Praxis-Tipps rund um’s Personalwissen im Gastgewerbe - und wagen uns natürlich auch in andere Sphären der Gastlichkeit vor.

Jelly Driver Podcast

Elke week publiceert Jelle Drijver een podcast waarin hij in gesprek gaat met Ondernemers, Auteurs, Marketeers en andere inspirerende mensen. Zo sprak hij onder andere met: Gary Vaynerchuck, Danae Ringelmann (founder IndiGoGo), Boris Veldhuijzen van Zanten (founder TNW.com), Ryan Holmes (founder Hootsuite), Michael Pryor (founder Trello), Joris Beckers (founder PicNic). Vergeet niet te abonneren als je dat nog niet gedaan hebt en laat alsjeblieft ook even een review achter. Heb je vragen en/of feedback? Tweet naar @podcast of @jelledrijver. Note: De eerste 85 afleveringen zijn gepubliceerd in samenwerking met Frankwatching. Elke uitzending kiest Jelle een of meerdere onderwerpen (variërend van (online) marketing, communicatie, social media en mobiele ontwikkelingen tot user experience en nieuwe media) waarover hij gaat praten met auteurs en eventuele andere betrokkenen. Vergeet niet je te abonneren als je dat nog niet gedaan hebt en laat ajb ook even een review achter. Heb je vragen en/of feedback? Tweet naar @jelledrijver of @podcast

Omdenken Podcast

In de Omdenken Podcast luister je mee met de openhartige gesprekken die Berthold Gunster voerde met mensen over hun problemen. Hoe kunnen ze hun probleem laten verdwijnen? Of zelfs omdenken? Omdenken-oprichter Berthold Gunster en zijn team staan elke dag met interactieve shows voor bedrijven en organisaties. Inmiddels zijn er 750.000 mensen getraind, twaalf boeken geschreven, elk jaar een nieuwe scheurkalender en is er een theatershow met de titel ‘Zoals verwacht loopt alles anders’ aan het touren. Wil je ook iets met ons delen? Leuk! contact@omdenken.nl www.omdenken.nl

Spijkers met Koppen

Spijkers met Koppen live vanuit café The Florin in Utrecht met muziek, cultuur, cabaret en opvallend nieuws. Presentatie: Willemijn Veenhoven en Dolf Jansen.


It’s the dawn of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and this time, Africa will not be left behind. TheMoney.Finance Podcast brings you everything you need to know about money and investments – from starting a small business to investing in stocks, bonds, and digital currency. In each episode our hosts unpack game changing opportunities and unlock their concepts to make them more accessible to people from all walks of life. Topics covered range from innovative side-hustles, abundance mindsets, and creating generational wealth.

Tea With Tee

Nothing should ever be too hard to talk about.


Welcome to MOONSHOT ENTREPRENEUR - the podcast where we venture out with audacious faith and take the steps to build up that God-led, transformed life. Do You feel trapped in a mindless zombie life? Do you feel that you are not achieving anything of value? Hey my friend, I have been there too. I’m Archana Jacob. I was living mindlessly. I had two separate lives - a Church life and another ”real” life. These two versions of my life had not much in common. I falsely believed that God has no specific plans for me and that He simply forgot to equip me with any useful talents. I wasted a lot of energy chasing the wrong kind of things in my life. I had all kinds of incredible experiences in my life, like being a senior executive, corporate strategist, innovation leader, tech expert, Executive MBA student, ice hockey player, Lay Reader in the Church of England, wife, mum, and much more. But even though all these experiences are amazing they could never fulfill me. One day, Christ led me to discover the audacious dream He has for my life. And FINALLY, I was able to see that He had purposefully equipped me with REAL talents. The AMAZING as well as PAINFUL experiences were all part of the plan to bring glory to Christ and grow in maturity of faith. Jesus led me through a mind-blowing life transformation. I have good news for you! God has a personally tailored vision for your life too. In fact, His vision is often so audacious that the journey to the implementation of that vision feels like a moonshot. Do you want to find out the plans God has custom-made for you? Do you want to know how you can get there, even though it feels like a moonshot?! You are in the right place! I will walk you through all you need to know in order to transform your life with COURAGEOUS FAITH, STRATEGY & FINANCE In this podcast I will... - share with you the story of the biblical heroes of faith and their personally-designed experiences which prepared them for their calling - help you to learn how you can partner with God to discover the specific plans He has for you - teach you to re-align your life areas to reach that audacious, purpose-filled godly life - give you the financial knowledge to create the income streams and time to support that life - explain how you can get your family and friends on board with your transformation - show you how to patiently wait on the LORD and set realistic expectations taking the God-factor into calculation I use a faith-led approach, proven business strategy and practical, easy-to-understand financial wisdom to coach you through your personal transformation. I give you the full truth of what works and what doesn’t, based on my personal experience as a disciple of Christ, ministry leader, wife and mum as well as based on my business experience from the corporate world, in entrepreneurship, in investing, in creating income streams. You will walk away from every podcast episode with tips, tricks, hacks and practical insights. Let’s get started: Get your notebook and pen, because we are about to PURSUE GODLY LIFE TRANSFORMATION WHOLEHEARTEDLY. Cheers, Archana Archana Jacob ¦ Coach, Business Woman, Christian Entrepreneur & Investor ****** Learn -> http://www.moonshot-entrepreneur.com Connect-> support@moonshot-entrepreneur.com Community -> http://www.facebook.com/groups/moonshotentrepreneur/ Archana on Social Media -> www.facebook.com/archana.jacob15 -> www.linkedin.com/in/archana-jacob Wanna work together!? Snag a private coaching session with Archana: support@moonshot-entrepreneur.com Topics covered: Christian Living, Christian family life, personal finance, income streams, productivity, time management, change management, implement change, life-transformation, life coaching, start business, entrepreneur, investing for beginners, Christian mom, wife, business strategy, clarity on calling, vision, goal setting, career planning, passive income, financial coaching

Unpacked with Relebogile Mabotja

This is the official podcast for the daily show "Unpacked" hosted by Relebogile Mabotja. The show unpacks social issues and taboos that don't get spoken about in mainstream and social media. Episodes air at 17:00 CAT daily on South African TV channel SABC3 and then on YouTube at 17:30 CAT daily.


Modulus, hosted by Brian and Stephanie, is a podcast for engineers, scientists, researchers, and STEM enthusiasts who want an inside look at the work that moves humankind forward.