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P3 Nyheter Dokumentär
Podd med dramatiska dokumentärer och spännande granskningar. Senaste nytt i sociala medier och radio. Ansvarig utgivare: Caroline Lagergren
Sveriges Radios matprogram som tittar djupt i grytorna. Ansvarig utgivare: Nina Glans
P1:s program för grävande journalistik. Vi granskar missförhållanden och samhällsfenomen. Ansvarig utgivare: Hanna Toll
NFL - med Gnistan & Sheriffen
Gnistan & Sheriffen guidar dig genom veckans NFL omgång på ett lite annorlunda vis. De bjuder på tjockskallarnas val, veckans säkra/osäkra och en trippel för att uppgradera nudlarna till oxfilé. Ride The Big ONE! Lyssna via I LIKE RADIO eller via andra poddappar.
P4 Extra
En mix av de hetaste personerna och nyheter från jordens alla hörn. Ansvarig utgivare: Sofia Taavitsainen
Ante Up Poker Magazine
The publishers of Ante Up Magazine still have the longest running poker podcast on the Internet, only now they own the show! Every week they'll discuss poker news, home-game follies and hand analysis while continuing to bring you entertaining, in-depth interviews with some of today's hottest poker pros and celebrities. Ante Up is Bluff Magazine's 2007 Readers Choice Award for Best Poker Podcast ... subscribe and find out why.
Magic Markets
The Finance Ghost and Moe-Knows discuss key market trends across stocks, currencies, fixed income, commodities, macroeconomics and geopolitical trends, helping you understand what's going on out there.
Do you remember watching "There's a hole in the bucket?" Didn't you want to just strangle Henry? Well, imagine encountering him in real-life. Sad to say, that use to be me. After much trial and error, consider me your life's Liza to give you some tips and tricks to fix the hole in the bucket. The Sassy Scribe is an inspirational Blog-about living single. It's filled with sass, sprinkled with class. It's comical and frank. It's simply truth minus the fake.
Finance 360 avec Alex Demers
On parle d'argent, de business et surtout d'investissement en Bourse. Président de la firme Traders 360. www.traders360.ca @alextraders360
The Women Of Ill Repute
Women of Ill Repute is a compliment. And not just for women! Wendy Mesley and Maureen Holloway have left CBC and CHFI to chat with sassy women about sex, family, politics, and media. Lots of secrets and no room for shame. Is it journalism or comedy? It’s both. Smart talk with tv and radio stars, comedians, authors, lawyers, politicos, restaurant icons and more. All of them brave, fierce and funny. Fun!