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The Great Antidote
Explorations of topics through interviews with experts, to educate you and me. So far mostly just economics and economic policy. Expand your horizons, open your mind. "Science is the great antidote to the poison of enthusiasm and superstition." - Adam Smith
The Gender at Work Podcast
The Gender at Work Podcast is a bi-monthly podcast series, featuring diverse voices from Gender at Work’s international network of feminist scholars, activists, and community-led development practitioners. In our informal conversations, we discuss merging ideas, issues and trends in Gender and Development that help us to find new ways of understanding our work, our institutions, our society and ambitiously, ourselves! By coming together in this new space, we seek to re-examine the resilience of patriarchy and assess the willingness and resistance of organizations and communities to create cultures of equality. We aim to amplify voices crucial in this transformative process of cultivating promising alternatives for a feminist future.
The Brand is Female
The weekly series hosted by Eva Hartling brings you authentic stories of self-accomplishment from powerful and iconic women of all backgrounds including entrepreneurs, business leaders, media personalities and more. A podcast brought to you by TD Women Entrepreneurs!
Mostly Money
Mostly Money is a personal finance, business, and entrepreneurship podcast. It's a light hearted look into all things money related (and sometimes beyond). From personal investing, starting a business, marketing, management and more, there are interviews, jokes, education, and no intimidation. It's mostly about money, but sometimes things get off topic. Like fast cars, fatty foods, movies, science, and more. Basically it'll cover whatever random thoughts are going through Preet's head. This podcast is rated R for occasional foul language and as a pre-emptive warning to those with pickles up their ass. http://www.preetbanerjee.com
Rock Your Money, Rock Your Life
From farm boy to self-made millionaire, I'm Rock Thomas and I’m on a mission to inspire you to redefine yourself. I named my podcast the "I Am Movement,” because I firmly believe, “The words that follow I am follow you.” These words create your identity - your ability to shift your mindset, resist labels, and redefine yourself. I have interviewed many high achievers throughout my career and it’s time for the world to hear about how their identity has propelled them toward success. As a bonus, you'll hear exclusive content from my millionaire mastermind group, M1 - a leadership development community guaranteed to produce whole-life millionaires. Are you ready to reprogram your brain for success? Visit gom1.com and join me in the #IAmMovement.
The Reality Check
Canada's weekly podcast that explores a wide range of controversies and curiosities using science and critical thinking.
CanadiEM Podcasts: CRACKCast, ClerkCast, CarmsCast, First Year Diaries
CanadiEM aims to improve emergency care in Canada by building an online community of practice for healthcare practitioners and providing them with high quality, freely available educational resources. Our podcasts are found on this channel and include: CRACKCast (Core Rosen's and Clinical Knowledge) helps residents to "Turn on their learn on" through podcasts that assist with exam prep by covering essential core content. ClerkCast: A podcast focused on clinical clerks and their time in emergency medicine. It provides an overview of key topics that help you to rock your EM rotations. First Year Diaries: A podcast focused on the first year of independent clinical practice in emergency medicine and all of its trials and tribulations. Physicians as Humans explores the struggles that physicians face and how they have overcome them. From addictions, mental health issues, and all manner of personal crises will be discussed to help let those who are currently struggling know that they are not alone.
Il existe sûrement plus d’un million d’entraineurs en Amérique du Nord. Mais selon vous, combien parmi ceux-ci ont réellement à coeur votre santé physique et mentale à long terme? Mon objectif dépasse le simple fait de vous rendre attrayant pour la saison estivale. Je m’efforce de vous encadrer tout en vous partageant de nouvelles habitudes à intégrer dans votre quotidien. Et quand votre motivation commencera à chuter, et ça arrivera, je serai là! TA SANTÉ & TON SUCCÈS, MA PRIORITÉ❤️