Podcast Directory

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The Pride Podcast: A Detroit Lions Podcast

A Detroit Lions Podcast hosted by super fans Pierre, Tyler and Malcolm, all who have highly engaged Instagram accounts covering the team.

The Stacking Benjamins Show

Live, from Joe's mom's half-finished basement....listen to a parade of financial headlines, personal finance experts, creatives, and people with stories that inspire us. Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, hosts Joe Saul-Sehy & OG meet at the card table and bring you guests, trivia, your letters about saving, investing, and risk management, and much more. Academy of Podcast winner for 'best business podcast of the year,' 2017 Plutus award winner for 'best personal finance podcast,' and Kiplinger magazine's only recommended personal finance podcast.

Mors afskedsbrev

Adrian Hughes' mor efterlod et svidende bittert afskedsbrev til ham og hans 4 brødre. I detaljer udpenslede hun hvor skuffet hun var over dem, bortset fra Adrian selv. I Mors Afskedsbrev 1-6 går Adrian på opdagelse i sin mors både glamourøse og tragiske forhistorie for at finde ud af, hvorfor hun blev som hun blev. Opdagelsesrejsen byder bl.a. på hemmelige adoptioner, fakede graviditeter, hastebryllupper og sære dødsfald i tidens mest luksuriøse omgivelser. Fortællingen er lige dele Matador, Dallas og Citizen Kane. I en af hovedrollerne finder vi Adrians morfar, den i sin samtid kendte hovedrige byggematador Thorvald Dreyer. Med sin hustru Margot Dreyer deltog han i en meget offentlig trekant med Frederiksbergs borgmester Arne Stæhr Johansen. Hans kolossale materielle succes fulgtes med personlig fiasko. Hans familieliv indadtil gik i opløsning, og det gik ud over Adrians mor og hendes 3 søskende og alle børnebørnene. Undervejs bliver det tydeligt, hvordan Adrians mor ubevidst er fortsat i sin fars psykologisk selvdestruktive fodspor. Serien stiller spørgsmålet om moderen kunne bryde med sin fars arv, og om Adrian kan bryde med sin mors. Ghita Nørby lægger stemme til Adrians mors breve og erindringer, og Lise Nørgaard er et af mange vidner til morfarens sære societyliv på Frederiksberg.

بودكاست كرتون كرتون | Kartoon Karton Podcast

بودكاست كرتون كرتون هو برنامج اسبوعي يقدمه كل من عبدالله رافعة وعمار الصبان . يقومان بالحديث عن آخر التطورات في عالم الرسوم المتحركة من أفلام ومسلسلات، ويقومان بالحديث أيضا عن العلوم المختلفة اللازمة لإنتاج الرسوم المتحركة من رسم وتحريك للتمثيل الصوتي والدبلجة. ومن فترة إلى أخرى يقومان بإستضافة مختصين في عالم الرسوم المتحركة لنقل خبراتهم للعالم العربي.

Azzbda | بودكاست الزبدة

انتو بتسمعو لبودكاست الزبدة، البرنامج اللي يشجع عالأصالة الفردية لإثراء المجتمع نتحاور فيه مع ضيوفنا عشان نخرج لكم بزبدة خبراتهم و نلخصها في زبدة الزبدة

The Secrets of Success Podcast

In each episode, we have candid conversations about careers in recruitment with some of the best talent Team Eames has to offer. They'll be giving you a glimpse into the highs and lows of their recruitment careers, their motivations, their drivers, and their secret to success in this industry. Hosted by Danni Rainert. Powered by Eames Group.

Christmas Old Time Radio Detective Stories

Taken from podcasts released going back to 2009, this collects the Christmas episodes of the Great Detectives of Old Time Radio hosted by Adam Graham. Enjoy characters such as Johnny Dollar, Richard Diamond, Sherlock Holmes, and Nero Wolfe getting into the spirit of the season in their own way. Features episodes starring Bob Bailey, Dick Powell, Frank Sinatra, Orson Welles, and more.

Shipping Podcast - this is where we talk about the coolest industry on the planet and help raise the maritime industry's profile.

The shipping industry is the backbone of international trade, contributing to the globalisation and development of the world, but it's the shipping people who makes the world go around. This is where you meet the maritime professionals, strong characters with an interesting background.

Everything Under The Sun

The podcast that explores the experiences we have and how they relate to who we are as people. New topic every week, covering any and everything under the sun.

Not Culture

First of all; It's not about culture. Welcome to Not Culture! The podcast about life in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea. Hosted by Daniel Lovai and myself, we aim to talk about what we've been up to in Port Moresby, our obsession with Pop Culture, and how they affect each other. We occasionally bring on guests to flesh out some dimension on a subject or issue, and generally like to tell the world that there's a lot more going on in PNG than the culture. Join us fortnightly and listen to what we've been up to, and the issues we've been facing with life in PNG.