Podcast Directory

This version of the Podcast Directory requires Winamp 5.9


Checkpoint is RNZ’s weekday drive-time news programme. Our multi-media show broadcasts on 101FM, and you can also watch it live on our website, Freeview Channel 50 and Face TV on Sky Channel 083. Hosted by Lisa Owen.

Waitangi Day 2022

Waitangi Day on RNZ National with Mani Dunlop and Julian Wilcox, live from Waitangi in the Bay of Islands

Focus on Politics

A weekly analysis of significant political issues.

AA on Air

A programme about alcohol recovery.

Cyprus Community

Music and news from Cyprus and Greece.

Standing Room Only

Standing Room Only is literally radio with pictures... and arts, theatre, film, comedy, books, dance, entertainment, pop culture, and music – all the things, in other words, that make life worth living.

Rural News

Comprehensive twice-daily coverage of rural events and people, including farming, horticulture, forestry, aquaculture, trade, research and rural politics.

Crimes NZ

Jesse Mulligan talks with investigators, journalists and others about major crimes in New Zealand

Niuean Community Programme

Fostering and promoting aspects of the Niuean culture, language and traditions.


Providing lively coverage of news, politics, activities, interviews and music for queer women and non-binary folk.