This version of the Podcast Directory requires Winamp 5.9
The Unconventional Soldier
”Letting the guest tell the story”.
A military podcast by former soldiers from the British Army’s long range Surveillance and Reconnaissance Patrols unit.
Our first series covers the inception of the unit with its founder Major General Anthony Stone CB, the selection of the soldiers, the unique ”stay behind” role during the Cold War, the multiple operational tours they deployed on over the last 40 years finishing on an interview with the current serving officer commanding the unit.
In subsequent series we have set ourselves a wider remit and cover first hand accounts of past conflicts from World War 2 to the War on Terror and everything in between . All our podcasts finish off with book & film reviews and recommendations. We normally upload a monthly episode (sometimes more). Available wherever you get you podcasts from. Also on YouTube.
Steelfur Speaks - a Flesh and Blood TCG podcast
This is a podcast version of the popular Flesh and Blood TCG (and other card game) Youtube Channel - Steelfur Speaks. This channel contains content from both the Steelfur Speaks - casual flesh and blood discussions and Steelfur Supremacy - Competitive focused videos playlists. It isn't updated with the same regularity as the YouTube channel, but is for people who really just want content as a podcast instead. For 100% up-to-date viewing the YT channel is best.
To engage with the podcast you can join this discord https://discord.gg/e6GeaMvNH5 or visit the main Youtube Channel.
Phenomenology Club
Phenomenology Club is an interactive set of learning materials designed to pinpoint & harness our phenomenological abilities. Join us!
Learn more about our club and how you can become a member at https://www.phenomenology.club
Patreon: www.patreon.com/phenomenologyclub
Follow us on twitter @phenomenologyCL
The Michael Sartain Podcast
A show about intellectual curiosity. Physics, sociology, finance, leadership, evolutionary psychology, conspiracies, entrepreneurship, human sexuality, sports, philosophy, dating and history.
Where the playmate meets the fighter pilot, and the astrophysicists meets the flat-earther.
Dignities and Disasters
Integral Centered Leadership presents Dignities and Disasters, a podcast series that attempts to skillfully tease out both sides of divisive topics. Instead of falling prey to our biases and an "either/or" mindset, we're encouraged to get more informed and develop a sophisticated "both/and" understanding of these important subjects so we can be more effective as leaders and in conversation. Hosted by executive coach and facilitator Robert MacNaughton.
The Sincerely, Mir Podcast
a lifestyle podcast all about homemaking, motherhood, faith, slow living, & holistic health.
Be In Demand with Laurie-Ann Murabito
Ready for both inspiration and advice that will get you the results you’re looking to grow a profitable online business? It’s time to turn that entrepreneurial idea of yours into highly successful business, that allows you to live the life you want, so you have the freedom and creativity you’ve been longing for. Laurie-Ann Murabito, your host and business mentor walked away from a successful corporate healthcare job for a more fulfilling and contributing lifestyle to live and work. A reformed painfully shy gal who started 3 successful businesses from the ground up, has 2 best selling books and years of coaching executives and leaders. She believes that women are amazing role models for their families and communities. Having a successful business can literally have a profound ripple effect on those around you. The Be In Demand with Laurie-Ann Murabito Podcast combines straight forward strategies, tips to help you get the results you need, plus the success psychology and mindset necessary to build your strong foundation from. Laurie-Ann Murabito shares her personal story of how she started her business with no business plan or marketing skills, with only ambition and her desire to be successful because there had to be another way. If you are motivated, ready to make a difference for you, your family and your community, you have come to the right place.
El Buen Trip
Drogas, psicodelia, conciencia, amor... Un viaje a lo más profundo de la mente humana, por el psicoanalista y psicólogo Tom Quintero, líder de la comunidad @Lisergicos
Hot Topics for Business Owners
As part of our ongoing effort to keep clients informed on important changes in the market, we cordially invite you to tune in to our podcast series. We will present timely topics of interest to business owners. We will address topics such as preparing for a strategic exit, life after a sale, tax strategies, realizing your philanthropic vision, what’s happening in Washington, and retirement plans and helping employees manage financial stress.