Podcast Directory

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The Pat Davidson Podcast

Hosted by Dr. Pat Davidson. This podcast will dive deeper into strength and conditioning principles, training theories, nutrition, science, what drives people, and more with today’s thought-leaders in the industry. Pat has a Master’s in Science in Strength and Conditioning and a PHD in Exercise Physiology, was a former Professor of Exercise Science at Springfield College, and was a World Champion Strongman athlete.

Thinner Peace in Menopause

If you've been on a diet your whole life and now menopause is making it harder than ever to be happy and to lose weight (AGAIN), then join Dr Deb Butler. Dr Deb is a Certified Master Weight Loss and Life Coach, and instructor for Brooke Castillo and The Life Coach School, and will help guide you past your struggles and teach you the mindfulness of paying attention to the connection between your body and your mind. It's always been there... she'll help you remember what you forgot! If not now, when? So say “No” to diets and restricting and "Yes" to a new, mindful you! Subscribe now to learn more.

A Vida Resolve-se Sozinha

A Vida Resolve-se Sozinha: Um podcast sobre amor com Catarina Beato

Move Fast Lift Heavy

Fashion - Fitness - Family Move Fast Lift Heavy started as a call to action in the gymnasium. "Always be prepared to Move Fast Lift Heavy". Our Brand was born in struggle, grown with love, built to last and delivered in lifestyle. MFLH spreads style in its rebel business approach and rooted in classic values. We make things to last, never to be consumed and thrown to the sideline. Pulling inspiration from our love in Music, Art, Travel, and most importantly Sport, we deliver goods that blur the lines as we pay tribute to the cultures we were born from. We are designed for life.

Louise Daniels Hypnobirthing

Relaxation tracks for pregnancy, labour and birth. Unlock all tracks at https://anchor.fm/louise-daniels/subscribe Find me at https://www.instagram.com/louisedanielsofficial/

Noongar Wellbeing

Wellbeing as we know it now has been constructed from a Western perspective, so what does the oldest continuing culture in the world have to say about methods of wellbeing? On Noongar Wellbeing, Ballardong Whadjuk Noongyar woman Brooke Collard yarns with six Elders, exploring their ideas on creating the tools to care for yourself and your community.

Chat with Systematic Traders

We are starting a podcast series on Systematic Trading. we will interview some of the successful systematic traders in India on our YouTube channel MarketScanner. Where they shares his systematic trading journey And lot more. We are sure that you all will benefit a lot from this podcast. Enjoy the Podcast! visit : www.marketscanner.in

Gayest Episode Ever

Back in the day, a major sitcom doing a gay episode was a big deal. A proper gay episode would get headlines, but it would get the attention of two young guys who were still figuring things out — sexuality-wise and culture-wise. Gayest Episode Ever has screenwriter Glen Lakin and stay-at-home journalist Drew Mackie going through the great and not-so-great gay episodes of sitcoms past.

Stars & Destruct.

⁣By the makers of Boho Beautiful- Juliana Spicoluk & Mark Spicoluk⁣ Open hearted conversations with creative thinkers & experts in the field of health, spirituality, activism, laughter, politics, meaning & more. creating cosmos out of chaos I have lived with several Zen masters, all of them cats.⁣ Eckhart Tolle⁣ Season 1 is going to be great. For S2 we are asking the stars connect: Marianne Williamson, Russel Brand, Abraham Hicks, The Dalai Lama, Jordan Peterson, Mooji, Joe Rogan, Jay Shetty, Bill Maher, Ina May Gaskin, Matias De Stefano, Joaquin Phoenix, & Esther Perel.

The Nick Vujicic Podcast

Born limbless, Nick Vujicic is a NYT best-selling author, world-renowned speaker, coach and entrepreneur.  With his personal stories, unique perspectives and interviews with other over-comers; "The Nick Vujicic Podcast" will inspire you with life lessons, truths and attitudes needed for your personal growth and development.