Podcast Directory

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In conversation with...

Our Editors and the journal’s authors explore their research and its impact on people’s health, health care, and health policy in this regular podcast.

Mastering Reality Creation and Manifestation

You're smart, intelligent, practical and hard-working. You've accomplished a lot but for whatever reason, still feel like you're not enough. Not successful enough... Not doing enough... Not happy enough... You did everything you thought you were supposed to and yet, despite all that you've done, and accomplished, you feel lost. You keep trying to escape that empty feeling and find yourself waking up in the morning, looking at your day and asking the question, "is this it, is this what it'll feel like for the rest of my life?" I'm here to tell you that there's much more to you and your life than meets the eye. Once you get clarity on that for yourself, not only will you continue to be successful in whatever you choose, but you'll finally discover the happiness and fulfillment that you've been searching for. If you're ready for it, then it's time to create the next chapter in the Evolution of You.

Seated With Malome

Welcome to Seated with Malome, a Podcast by Thato Rampedi that aims to entertain, inspire and educate. In this podcast, Thato will be touching on his life experiences dating back to when he was 10 years old. Each episode is aimed to story tell but also address a societal problem while still entertaining the masses.

Heartbreak to Happiness

The pain of heartbreak is real and can take your breath away. If you’re hurting or struggling with a break up and you’re feeling shocked, betrayed, devastated, and alone then this podcast is for you. You may feel sad, anxious, angry and worried about your uncertain future. If you’re on an emotional rollercoaster you may feel stuck and unable to let go, and yet desperate to move on at the same time. Now is the best time to minimize your own suffering in this process by listening in on the most empowering and best relationship advice available. Bestselling author and award winning host Sara Davison shares how you too can get on with your life to heal, grow and move from heartbreak to happiness once again.

Listen to The Lancet Oncology

The Lancet Oncology is a monthly journal, renowned for the publication of high-quality peer reviewed research, reviews and analysis in cancer from around the world. In the monthly podcasts, editors of the journal discuss highlights of the current issue.

Bukra with Gino

Bukra with Gino is a weekly podcast every Tuesday evening. Topics center mostly on Lebanon, with diverse guests ranging from politics and finance, to security issues, tech, science and art.

Do It For The Gram: An Enneagram Podcast

An Enneagram Podcast by Certified Enneagram Coach Milton Stewart, aimed for those who want to take personal growth and professional development to the next level!


Socialpædagoger arbejder med udsatte børn og unge, børn og voksne med handicap, psykisk syge, misbrugere og andre, der har brug for en særlig indsats for at få et godt liv. Vores fag giver os styrke til at være noget for andre. Denne podcast fortæller hvordan.

Frygteligt Fascinerende

Frygteligt Fascinerende er en podcast om alt det frygtelige, som alligevel er fascinerende. Her taler jeg om alt fra naturkatastrofer, skibsforlis og ulykker, til sygdom, kidnapning og grusom historie. Velkommen til.

Kiến Thức Kinh Doanh và Đạo Phật Cuộc Sống - Học Viện CEO Hà Nội - Ngô Minh Tuấn

HỌC VIỆN CEO HÀ NỘI Cung cấp các khoá học THỰC CHIẾN cho quản lý cấp trung và cấp cao cho Doanh nghiệp Tham gia để theo dõi những bài học hay về CUỘC SỐNG và KINH DOANH mỗi ngày cùng Thầy Ngô Minh Tuấn: https://bit.ly/dang_ky_kenh_ceo_hn (đặc biệt không có quảng cáo) Kết nối với chúng tôi: Fanpage: https://by.com.vn/zYz5D Website:https://by.com.vn/c9nCf Youtube:https://by.com.vn/SF2K8 TikTok: https://by.com.vn/sc9wv Hotline: 0926 77 66 22 Đăng ký nhận tư vấn: https://forms.gle/bs1Gg7HVWpyDt8Lh8