Podcast Directory

This version of the Podcast Directory requires Winamp 5.9

مشروع ثيرابي - بودكاست عن الصحة النفسية

مشروع ثيرابي هو سلسلة حلقات يشارك فيها محمد حازم خلاصة ما اكتسبه من معرفة وخبرات في رحلة العلاج النفسي واكتشاف الذات. يتعرض فيها للمراحل المختلفة التي يمر بها كل منا منذ الطفولة وكيف تؤثر الأحداث في تشكيل شخصياتنا. ثم يشرح كيف تتم عملية التغيير والصعوبات التي قد تواجهنا أثناء الرحلة. محمد حازم شريف هو شريك مؤسس لتطبيق "الكوتش" للتمارين الرياضية وخطط التغذية الصحية. حسام أبو زيد هو شريك مؤسس ل Artellers Design House للتصميمات الداخلية والمعمارية. هذا المحتوى من إنتاج Glydrs

Procurement in 5-Minutes

We live and work in a busy world in which there is little time to read, watch or listen beyond the headlines. Hello, my name is Iain Campbell-McKenna, and this is “Procurement in 5-minutes.” That’s right, in 5-minutes I promise to tackle some of the biggest challenges and deepest questions our profession and industry face on a day-to-day basis. Check out our podcast to listen to leading industry experts share their experience and expertise on Procurement in 5-Minutes. Sourcing Solved: The Procurement industry’s leading retained Procurement Executive Search Recruitment Company.

Financial Crime Insights

Financial Crime Insights is a podcast from RUSI’s Centre for Financial Crime and Security Studies (CFCS). Episodes are based on past CFCS events with top thinkers on topics that remain relevant in the world of financial crime. Episodes include varied speakers - policymakers, journalists, academics and practitioners - who share their knowledge and ideas on current policy challenges, global trends and possible opportunities for reform.

V Unfiltered

Sex, relationships, careers, and just life. Join two latina actresses from two different generations (X and Millennial) as they discuss subjects considered taboo by their culture. An unfiltered conversation to get inside the mind of two outspoken latinas.

Mel, Mal, Jal: Dal i Siarad Podcast

Mae podlediad Mel, Mal a Jal wedi cyrraedd BBC Sounds a’r dair yn dal i siarad am yr hyn sy’ o bwys iddyn nhw.

The Voice of Insurance

In-depth interviews with the top execs in the global (re)insurance world

Mr Cairo تجربة رعب

عيش تجربة رعب حقيقية بعيدا عن كلاسيكيات القصص المتداولة على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي بوعدك بلحظات مثيرة وغامضة واسلوب سرد فريد واحترافي مصحوب بزخات المطروصوت الرياح الصحراوية او احتراق الحطب والمزيكا التصويرية الغريبة هاينقلك لعالم غامض غريب وممتع... الاعلامي حسام مصباح TV presenter,writer, Professional Training & Coaching I have produced & developed hundreds of projects from voice overs for commercials , Radio, TV, Documentaries مذيع بالقناة الاولى التليفزيون المصرى كتابة قصص الرعب والغموض والاثارة اصبحت تستهويني كثيرا في الفترة الاخيرة بعد ان زهدت في السياسة والحوارات المجتمعية Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/mrcairo/support

Money Unfiltered

We're talking money, but without the filters. It's the one thing that we can't escape, but that none of us dare to talk about. Each week we'll be having a no holds barred conversation about real life money. So grab yourself a coffee, (or a cheeky glass of wine!), and settle on in.


Immerse yourself in the sounds of the riverbank, crashing tides, wild marshes filled with birds and the underwater sounds of the humble pond as we bring to life our incredible wetlands - and reveal their power to shape our future for the better. Join nature expert and film maker Roxy Furman as she explores the wonders of our watery worlds and how wetlands have fed, inspired and transported us from countryside to city, source to sea.  Dive beneath the surface of our wetlands through personal stories and conversations with experts to reveal an underwater jungle, the restorative powers of water, tonnes of carbon hidden underground, the things you never knew were lurking in your freshwater and why we need to think like beavers to solve our flood problem.  Our wetlands bring us together across species and continents. They’re the source of life as we know it. Yet wetlands only cover about 6% of our planet, and they’re disappearing fast, despite the fact that people and 40% of all wildlife are reliant on them.  This is a podcast all about the wonderful, sometimes surprising and often underappreciated watery places around us, and how they can help us with some of the biggest issues facing life on this planet.  ​   You’ll never look at a marsh or pond the same way again.

The Panpsycast Philosophy Podcast

An 'informal and informative' philosophy podcast inspiring and supporting students, teachers, academics and free-thinkers worldwide. All episodes are available at www.thepanpsycast.com.