Podcast Directory

This version of the Podcast Directory requires Winamp 5.9

Fierce Minds Kind Hearts

Since losing my beautiful daughter Azaylia Diamond Cain to cancer in 2021, I have been on a mission to channel her spirit as a beacon of strength and inspiration for others going through their own battles with mental health, hardship, adversity, grief, and loss. Surviving trauma can be a gruelling journey, but through the darkness I have learnt to live a more purposeful life by using the idea of a “fierce mind" and a "kind heart” in everything I do. In this podcast I want to share the stories of others who have been shaped by unpredictable experiences - and found a way, not just to survive, but to come back stronger. Let’s go champs! A Pixiu Production.

Be Your Own Inspiration W/ Rushil

Hey guys, "Be your own inspiration" podcast is not a motivational podcast, so never fall in a trap that by listening this podcast you will be motivated. "Be your inspiration" podcast is just a documentary of my life(RJ), Till now whatever I have learnt from my life not just on theoretical basis but on practical basis also, l am just sharing it. I am just sharing my experience, my learning from my life and in future whatever I will learn from my life I will just share it with you all so till then god bless you.

Dead Competitive Podcast

Comedian Kerry Godliman takes a journey into the world of dog shows, on the hunt for answers, after the death of an Irish setter in 2015.

Genetics Unzipped

From Mendel's peas to personal genome sequencing, Genetics Unzipped brings you stories from the world of genes, genomes and DNA. In association with The Genetics Society.

Energy in transition

In this series, we explore different aspects of the clean energy sector with real experts to get their views on how the sector is changing, what the journey to carbon net zero might look like, the impact of disruptive new technologies, evolving business models and what impact the COVID-19 pandemic could have on it all.

The Boy in the Woods Podcast

The Boy in the Woods: why it took more than twenty years to track down a killer. Winifred Robinson investigates a case that's stayed with her for more than half her working life. Copyright: (C) BBC 2022

Nursing Checklist

This podcast is dedicated to everything nursing. So if you're interested in nursing, SUBSCRIBE!

Are You Still Awake?

Based on late night thoughts, this podcast talks about deep topics you usually think about past 11 PM. "Is love even real anymore?" "What am I going to do after high school?" "Am I becoming my parents?" Lily's still awake and she has a lot on her mind and obviously you're still awake as well, so you may as well stay for a little while.

Startup Europe — The Sifted Podcast

Every week, Sifted editor Amy Lewin and deputy editor Eleanor Warnock will be diving into the latest news coming out of Europe's tech and startup sector. From cutting edge technology to huge funding rounds and the latest company scandals, we’ll be taking a peak inside Sifted's newsroom and hearing from the journalists breaking the stories.

The PCOS Oracle Podcast

Welcome to The PCOS Oracle podcast hosted by PCOS cyster, online PCOS personal trainer and blogger, Despina Pavlou. In this podcast you will hear from leading experts in the field of female health and PCOS who will provide you with cutting-edge research, evidence-based information as well as practical tips on how to get to the root cause of your PCOS and treat it naturally. Each episode will provide you with new found knowledge, confidence and motivation to take back control from PCOS. For more information you can find Despina at www.pcosoracle.com or on social media including Instagram, Facebook, twitter and Pinterest @pcosoracle. . Music by MBB https://www.youtube.com/c/mbbmusic https://soundcloud.com/mbbofficial https://www.instagram.com/mbb_music