Podcast Directory

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We Share, We Grow

If you want to be empowered to take action in your self-development journey, then you are in the right place! We Share, We Grow will bring you closer to reaching your full potential, through sharing and growing from the life-changing advice of my favourite Health + Wellness experts.

Επιχειρηματικότητα Explained!

Επιχειρηματικότητα Explained! Το podcast - οδηγός για τις μικρές επιχειρήσεις, με την υπογραφή του The People's Trust και του business portal epixeiro.gr. Το thepeoplestrust.org είναι ο μη κερδοσκοπικός οργανισμός που υποστηρίζει νεοσύστατες και υφιστάμενες μικρές επιχειρήσεις όλων των κλάδων, παρέχοντας οικονομική υποστήριξη και δωρεάν υπηρεσίες επιχειρηματικής ανάπτυξης. Ιδρυτικός και βασικός χρηματοδότης του είναι το Κοινωφελές Ίδρυμα Αθανάσιος Κ. Λασκαρίδης. [Δηµοσιογραφική επιµέλεια, παρουσίαση: Χρήστος Κοτσακάς - Συμβουλευτική περιεχομένου, υποστήριξη: Θάνος Καμπύλης - Επιµέλεια, Διόρθωση Κειµένων: Ιωάννα Ζαρογιάννου - Γραφιστική Υποστήριξη: Σοφία Γεωργοπούλου - Υποστήριξη: Κωνσταντίνα Ζούλα - Εκτέλεση παραγωγής: Grey Studios Athens - Ηχογράφηση, επεξεργασία, μίξη, σύνθεση πρωτότυπης μουσικής: Konstantinos Borek - Διαφήµιση για τα Ψηφιακά Μέσα: DK ADPIXEL Ltd - Παραγωγή: infiNitas IKE]


Denne podkasten handler om Harald Eia og Nadina Bouhlou, som i 2019 opplevde alle foreldres mareritt: De fikk en sønn med en alvorlig sykdom. Serien forteller om de to månedene sønnen klamret seg til livet, og om tiden etterpå. Serien er produsert av Monster for NRK, og laget av Joachim Førsund, Sigurd Øygarden Flæten og Kine Solberg. Redaktør i NRK er Mirja Minjares.

Fashion makes your day

This Podcast give you information about fashion trends and recommended brands so that you can enjoy fashion. Fashion is free and you can create it yourself. And fashion is part of our life. By enjoying fashion, it will make your lovely day!

The White Mic Podcast

The White Mic Podcast featuring Fumi, aka Maha Maven Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/thewhitemic/support

Perio Masterclass

Rational for Perio Treatment, Sequence in Perio Treatment, Prognosis in Perio Treatment

ADHD Crash Course

This is a podcast for those of us who feel we have a lot to learn about ADHD (which includes your host!). My name is Donae Cannon- I'm an occupational therapist and certified coach, a parent of more than one child with ADHD, and I have ADHD. I've been learning about ADHD for a while now, and I'm still learning new things. Welcome to the crash course- let's dive in...

Sneaker History Podcast - Sneakers, Sneaker Culture and the Business of Footwear

A show about sneakers for sneakerheads, by sneakerheads. We're not here to bring people down or play gatekeeper, we are here to show the positive side of sneakers and connect with like-minded sneakerheads. We talk about sneakers and the footwear industry, interview footwear industry professionals, designers, and creatives that share our passion for sneakers. Opinions not paid for by the corporate sponsors like the other guys. Hosted by... Nick Engvall, Footwear Consultant and former StockX Director of Content, Finish Line Content Manager, Editor of Complex Sneakers, and the Founder of Sneaker History. Robbie Falchi, host of inside Robbie's Closet and writer for Sneaker History, Nice Kicks, Finish Line, and Modern Notoriety. Mike Guillory, Sneaker Youtuber, and writer for Sneaker History, photographer, and sneaker connoisseur. Rohit Malhotra, footwear industry professional, sneaker enthusiast, and proud #GirlDad. A part of the Retrospect Podcast Network.

911 Lone Star Round Up

The first ever 911 franchise podcast! Join Katie, EJ, & Grace Every Week as we discuss the latest episodes of Fox's Series 911 Lone Star & More!

IndieFeed: Performance Poetry

Cutting edge performance poetry! One performance per show. Brought to you by the same people who send you incredible independent music. Collect them all!