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Speak Chinese 口语角

如果多音字和发音相像的汉语词汇难住了你,请来听听speak chinese(汉语口语角)!每天3分钟,解决你的发音难题!

Rich英文朗读 小王子 最好听

The Little Prince (French: Le Petit Prince), first published in 1943, is a novella and the most famous work of the French aristocrat, writer, poet and pioneering aviator Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (1900–1944). The novella is both the most-read and most-translated book in the French language, and was voted the best book of the 20th century in France. Translated into more than 250 languages and dialects (as well as braille), selling nearly two million copies annually with sales totalling over 140 million copies worldwide, it has become one of the top best-selling books ever published. -from wikipedia.org 其實上面這就是大人們的評價。Above is just the grown-ups' words. 跟著Rich一起享受the little prince 的世界吧。 Let's enter the world of the little prince with Rich. 也可以加Rich微信: 2896619417

Frank Mars Learning English*Frank低音英语


Speak Chinese

Speak Chinese is program to help Chinese learners to distinguish capacity error prone words and sounds like a word audio tutorial , easy active dialogue , example sentence from real life . Chinese and foreign collocation program form, let you be in 3 minutes , easily understand and master all Chinese difficult words .

姓名:韩语联盟 生日:4月20日 年龄:1岁 住址:霖的韩语联盟(微博) 简历:韩语课堂,韩国种种,音乐派对 座右铭:等着你来勾搭^^

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「东写西读」是一档外刊英语学习栏目,旨在与听友一起读外刊、学英语、看世界。 本栏目由两位海归自媒体人担任主理人。林伯虎是牛津大学区域研究硕士,公众号「在下林伯虎」主理人,多年讲授外刊精读课程。艾勇(AY)是武汉大学新闻学学士,清华-天普美国法律硕士,曾在东方早报、新浪财经担任记者,也是多档播客的主理人。 本节目由创意播客厂牌「BeyondPod」和学英语看天下的自媒体「在下林伯虎」联合制作出品。 —————— 欢迎加入「东写西读」的社群: 添加小助理微信:BeyondPod2021 报暗号“学英语”即可加入

