Podcast Directory

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The Rebellious Therapist

Join licensed therapist Gabrielle McGee on her podcast "The Rebellious Therapist" as she challenges the conventional wisdom of the therapy world and offers a fresh, rebellious perspective on mental health and wellness. From tackling tough topics and taboo subjects to interviewing leading experts and exploring innovative approaches to therapy, tune in for thought-provoking discussions and valuable insights on your journey towards healing and personal growth. #therapy #mentalhealth #rebellion

OMG! What a Complete Education!

Best-selling authors of the Oh My God, What a Complete Aisling book series Emer McLysaght and Sarah Breen host a brand new podcast – OMG! What a Complete Education! Having first met at Ballyfermot College of Further Education, the pair will chat with learners from across Ireland and from every age and background, to understand how education has helped them get to where they want to be in life. With a focus on education for life, OMG! What a Complete Education! will explore the different options on offer through Further Education and Training across Ireland.  From school leavers and adult learners, to lifelong learners and students who changed their minds, Emer and Sarah will discover how they found a path through education to transform their lives This podcast is brought to you by Education and Training Boards Ireland. For more information, visit the ETBI website. 

What the Focal!?

Ar mhaith leatsa snas a chur ar do chuid Gaeilge ach níl an t-am agat leabhair ghramadaí a cheadú? Fáilte chuig What the Focal!? – podchraoladh le Ciara Ní É a thugann ardán do na saineolaithe Gaeilge is suntasaí dá bhfuil amuigh ann! Gach seachtain cuirfidh Ciara agallamh ar aoi oilte, le cabhrú leatsa barr feabhais a chur ar do chuid Gaeilge. Is é an podchraoladh seo an leagan is déanaí den tsraith YouTube What the Focal!? a chuir Ciara ar bun in 2017. Más mian leatsa éisteacht le comhráite réchúiseacha a chuirfidh le do chumas teangan, bí linn! Buíochas le Foras na Gaeilge agus leis An Foclóir Nua Béarla-Gaeilge as urraíocht a dhéanamh ar an bpodchraoladh seo.

Motivation minute

Daily morning motivation about life,health and making money. This is a 60 seconds boost you need daily to transform your life,mind and spirit.

El lugar de Midas

Un audio diario de cinco minutos que buscan inspirar a los oyentes a llevar su vida a un nuevo nivel. Visita nuestra página Web https://abreeltesoro.com/el-lugar-de-midas/ y allí encontrarás recursos muy valiosos para ustedes nuestros fieles escuchas.

Between You & Me

On this podcast Alex deep dives into her life and the experiences she has been through as a 23 year old. This is a place for open conversation BETWEEN YOU & her as she opens up on subjects like self-love, passions, relationships, friendships, mental health and even answers your burning questions at the end of every episode. See more on @_heyitsalex_xo and @betweenyouandmepodcast

Becoming “that” girl

Daily/weekly Journals from someone looking to better their life. Join me on a podcast that is me ‘anonymous’ telling you how I’m going to lose weight, save money, and make more money. I’d like you, the listener, to see me as a friend that calls you up and tells you how I’m achieving my goals while you also go out and achiever yours!


Бул подкаст медиа чөйрөсүндө иштеген айымдар жөнүндө. Алардын иши, кыялдары жана күнүмдүк кыйынчылыктарды кантип жеңип жатышканы жөнүндө баяндама. Кыргызстандын медиа тармагына көз чаптырсак, көптөгөн ЖМКлардын аял жүзүн белгилебей коюуга болбойт, алар коомдук пикирди калыптандырып, жоопкерчиликтүү журналистиканы өнүктүрүп, бизге маанилүү маалыматтарды берип турушат.


Сынчыл ой жүгүртүү жана медиасабаттуулук жөнүндө баарлашабыз

Санарип из

Санарип из – бул ар бир адамдын интернеттеги жашоосунун баяны, же башкача айтканда, виртуалдуу дүйнөдө калтырган маалымат топтому. Бул подкастта CABAR.asia медиамектеби санарип дүйнөсүнө саякатка чыгып, ар түрүдүү темаларга ой жүгүртөт. Борбор Азиядагы подкасттар жөнүндө кененирээк маалыматты podcastfest.cabar.asia сайтынан алсаныз болот.