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閒置中 Liber Podcast
《閒置中》係班做研究既朋友攰攰地個陣,停一停將平日關注既唔同議題沈澱同累積,用把攰攰地既聲同大家深度講解,破除迷思同發掘新諗法,提著亂世之中唔好閒置自己,仍然關注香港身邊事物既朋友記著follow我地,想聽啲咩都歡迎PM同我地講。 研究員:劍、Caesar、Brian、希、涼、Kristy and more Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/localresearch/ IG: https://www.instagram.com/liberresearch/ 支持本土研究社:https://liber-research.com/support-us/
與芬尼學英語 Tiffany teaches English
Welcome to the Learning English with Tiffany podcast! I am an English teacher based in Hong Kong. I don't just want to empower you to learn EVERYTHING you need to speak and write English fluently. I also want to enable you to become a master in learning the English yourself so that you can come to enjoy learning the English language. I promise to serve you with all the knowledge and tips I know about English learning in EVERY EPISODE!
Dad and Me Love History
Get your kid away from screens for a fun fifteen-minutes, answering the big questions in history! Fun for parents too! Subscribe for free on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, Soundcloud and wherever else you get podcasts! Join us on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and our webpage. Graphics by Molly Austin of mollyavalon.com Instrumental music by bensound.com
英式英語一分鐘 with 蕭叔叔
It’s not just a school subject. It’s not just a tool of trade. No. It’s the language of Shakespeare, of Charles Darwin, of Andrew Lloyd Webber, of Steve Jobs, of Winston Churchill. It is the tongue shared by some of the most brilliant minds in the world. Learn it well, and you world will be a lot bigger. And you don’t even have to be born or raised in an English speaking country. With the right training, and a superhuman determination to excel, you too can speak English as expressively and eloquently as an educated native speaker. 蕭叔叔,逢星期一至五,香港電台第一台,同大家一齊學好英文。 Instagram: https://instagram.com/unclesiurthk?igshid=h39x557i7dk8
#impact Podcast
#impact Podcast proudly presents people making a social impact with the work they do.Produced in Hong Kong.Presented by Regina Larko.Find all the links and show notes at www.hashtagimpact.com
Our Wild World
An informative and lively opportunity for listeners of all ages to learn about and raise awareness of contemporary challenges in wildlife and environmental conservation, both in Africa and parallels in the U.S., while also providing direct avenues to a variety of projects to personally take action and get involved. While our project focus covers sub-Saharan Africa, the results of what we accomplish have global impacts, and further, how we choose to live daily will have impacts upon the future of Africa, our world’s wildlife and people.
Anesthesia Learn On The Go
High Yield Podcast from the University of Kentucky Department of Anesthesiology.
Esto es Womansplaining con Gloria Susana Esquivel: conversaciones sobre género en diferentes campos de la sociedad y la cultura. Womansplaining es un podcast de 070 podcasts. Es producido por su anfitriona Gloria Susana Esquivel y editado por Sebastián Payán.
Cosas de Internet
Este es un podcast, en español, donde Laura y Santiago charlan para entender el modo en que Internet nos pone a vivir. Las conversaciones están editadas así que ambos parecen más inteligentes de lo que son.
The Knowledge Project with Shane Parrish
The Knowledge Project Podcast unlocks your potential. We interview world-class doers and thinkers so you can better analyze problems, seize opportunities, and master decision-making. Every episode is packed with wisdom you can use at work and home. Learn more at https://fs.blog/podcast