Podcast Directory

This version of the Podcast Directory requires Winamp 5.9

Charisme attitude

A travers ce podcast, je traite sur le sujet du Charisme. Je m'appelle Jeremie et je suis passionné depuis tout petit par la réussite et par les personnes charismatiques. Une personne entre dans une pièce, et tout à coup, plus personne ne parle et on ne sait plus pourquoi. Toute l'attention et les regards sont dirigés vers cette personne.

Yedi Çeşit Evet

Uyanık, özenli, dikkatli, hafif, rahat, sevgi dolu ve şefkatli bir zihne EVET.

Sesli Öyküler (Nisan Kumru)

Spiker Nisan Kumru'nun seslendirdiği metinler

Senin Biyolojin

Senin Biyolojin projemiz ile TYT ve AYT sınavlarına hazırlanmak için sesli podcast biyoloji dersleri ile sizlerleyiz. Okulda , evde , otobüste kısacası her yerde biyoloji dinlemenin keyfini yaşayın.

Filozofun Yolu: Felsefe Dersleri

Felsefe öğrenmek, felsefe metinlerini okumak isteyen ama nereden başlaması gerektiğini bilmeyenler, felsefe bölümü öğrencileri olarak, üniversite müfredatına paralel hazırladığımız podcast içeriğiyle bu yolcuğa başlayabilirler.

Coach Glass Podcast

The Coach Glass Podcast will help you take your coaching skills, fitness, personal brand and life to the next level. Every week you will enjoy Jason Glass's unique brand of Edutainment (Education through Entertainment). Join the community and get inspired! Maximize your potential and those around you! Dream Big & Over Deliver!

Learn Polish Language Online Resource

Learn Real Polish Podcast is for everyone who wants to improve their Polish speaking and listening skills using theories of learning languages from Dr. Steven Krashen and Dr. James Asher... My name is Piotr, I live in Warsaw and I know what you feel. I’m a learner of English and Spanish too. You can read, you can write, but speaking and understanding is still difficult for you. Poles speak too quickly, sometimes they cut some words. You need to know that the problems in understanding spoken Polish is very common. Fortunately, there is a method. Start listen to my podcast and consistently implement my advice, and you’ll see how quickly you will improve this skill.

Podatki na prawo

Dyskutujemy na tematy związane z praktycznym funkcjonowaniem przepisów, ich interpretacji przez władze, oraz o tym jak je stosować w codziennym życiu gospodarczym. Wyjaśniamy jak najlepiej przygotować się do takich zdarzeń jak np. kontrola podatkowa czy przygotowanie rocznego rozliczenia podatkowego. Gospodarzem audycji jest Paweł Rochowicz.

Healthy Births, Happy Babies

A weekly podcast interviewing experts in the prenatal, natural childbirth and pediatric care field such as Dr. Bruce Lipton, Dr. Sarah Buckley, Dr. Michel Odent, Dr. Jeanne Ohm, Dr. Bob Sears, and Penny Simkin. We want you to feel safe, supported and empowered during your pregnancy, birth and parenthood journey.

សំឡេង​គ្រូបង្រៀន :: MoEYS Official Podcast

បណ្ដាញ​សំឡេង​សង្គម​ផ្លូវការ​របស់​ក្រសួង​អប់រំ យុវជន និង​កីឡា :: Official Podcast Channel of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, Cambodia.