Podcast Directory

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The Dr. Trevicia Williams Show

Dr. Trevicia Williams:is a national keynote speaker, author, child bride survivor who used her heartwrenching testimony to help outlaw forced marriages in Texas, and America’s leading media expert on parenting teens, effective communication, human behavior, healthy relationships, self matters, value-based living, work-family balance, and, moral aptitude based on research, education and current trends. Dr. Williams is also the author of the book Heaven Answered, an inspirational memoir about her child bride experience as a 14 year old African American girl placed in a marriage to a 26 year old man from Germany filled with bounce back tips and information and grounded in the 10/90 Rule: Life is 10% of what happens to you and 90% of the way you respond for people who struggle with the pain of life's experiences. The Dr. Trevicia Williams Show show is a place where people can find information about everyday problems, motivation, productivity tips and cutting edge information about entrepreneurship, health and finance. Each episode entails conversations between Dr. Trevicia and guests discussing their aspirations as well as ways they can get unstuck and move forward. Dr. Trevicia also profiles guests who have accomplished many of their dreams to serve as inspiration to others. Dr. Trevicia has been featured on numerous media outlets, including, Dr. Oz, BBC Worldwide News, Good Housekeeping, LifeTime, Lifetime Movie Network, BET, Oxygen, and, Bravo and regularly provides expert and breaking news commentary about human behavior, parenting, mother-daughter relationships based on studies and more. Through her speaking engagements, Dr. Trevicia touches the lives of people and empowers them with the knowledge to turn adversities into advancements to realize their fullest spiritual and human potentials.

Brother Ben X Podcast

Brother Ben X weekly podcast is dedicated to bringing knowledge, wisdom and understanding through audio. Allowing you to be educated in your car, at home while cleaning or even on your way to bed. Many are now talking about eating better food for the nourishment of our bodies, but we should also take in clean mental and spiritual food for the nourishment of our souls.

The Micronesian Podcast

This podcast is about the beautiful islands of Micronesia. Once ruled by Spain, Germany, Japan and America, we are now the masters of our own destiny. On this podcast, we share Micronesia to fellow Micronesians and everyone else to let the world know who we are, and what Micronesia is all about. Thanks for stopping by.



Καλύτερα Γίνεται με την Δρ. Νάνσυ Μαλλέρου

Είμαι η Δρ. Νάνσυ Μαλλέρου και η αποστολή μου είναι να αφυπνίσω, να εμπνεύσω, να παρακινήσω και να υποστηρίξω κάθε Έλληνα -ή όποιον μιλάει ελληνικά- σε οποιοδήποτε μέρος της Ελλάδας ή του κόσμου και αν βρίσκεsτε, να απελευθερώσει το εσωτερικό του μεγαλείο και να διεκδικήσει ό,τι ονειρεύεται.

The Empowering Parents Podcast - Child Behavior Help The Total Transformation Way

If you’re looking for real parenting advice that works, you’ve come to the right place. Empowering Parents has been giving our readers “straight talk and real results” since 2007, and our podcast aims to do the same. We are the home of The Total Transformation Program, the #1 parenting program of all time developed by child behavior expert James Lehman. Not only do we tell it like it is, we give you honest, practical, effective advice that you can start using today.

French Verb Drills (French Today)

When it comes to verb forms, it's always the same problem: lack of speed. You understand the tense, and when you write, you can eventually put it together. But when you speak, you stumble, hesitate, have to stop to think and "write it" in your head... It's very frustrating. These French Verb Drills are designed to help you memorize the verb forms, and the way they are pronounced in French today. The aim is not to explain the tenses, nor to help you figure out how to construct them, but to help you gain speed when it comes to saying that verb form.

Неземной подкаст

Астроном Владимир Сурдин рассказывает о космосе, звёздах, планетах и далёких-далёких галактиках - компетентно и увлекательно. Каждая подписка, лайк и комментарий помогают продвижению подкаста

Christos Theodorou


Τροφή για σκέψη

Ένα από τα πρώτα podcasts στην Ελλάδα με βάση την προσωπική ανάπτυξη, τις σχέσεις, το μυαλό, τον άνθρωπο και καθημερινές δυσκολίες που περνάμε. Σε αυτό το podcast θα μάθεις πως να είσαι νικητής στη ζωή και μόνιμα χαρούμενος με αυτά που έχεις. Πως να κερδίσεις επιτέλους αυτά που αξίζεις.Ο Γιώργος (Headstone) είναι ένας άνθρωπος που προέρχεται από τον dating κόσμο και δίνει συμβουλές στους ανθρώπους να ξεπεράσουν τον χωρισμό. Σπουδάζει επίσης ψυχολογία. Ο Μάξιμος προέρχεται από τον fitness και mindset κόσμο και κάνει τα πρώτα του βήματα στο χώρο του acting.