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Simple Programmer Podcast
John Sonmez wants to help you become more successful, make more money, deal with difficult coworkers and be so productive everyone thinks you must be abusing a prescription for Ritalin. Listen in every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, as Simple Programmer founder, John Sonmez, answers questions, interviews guests and shares everything he knows to help you become a top performing software developer. The Simple Programmer Podcast is a short podcast that is a mix of career advice, philosophy and soft skills from successful author and software developer, John Sonmez. John is the founder of http://simpleprogrammer.com, one of the most popular software development blogs, and the author of the best-selling book, 'Soft Skills: The Software Developer's Life Manual.' (http://simpleprogrammer.com/softskills) Geared towards a programmer or software developer audience, but contains practical advice on: Career development Entrepreneurship Fitness Finance Productivity Personal development And more... That anyone can benefit from. Each episode is between 5 and 10 minutes long with at least 3 new episodes each week.
Aussie English
G’day and welcome to the Aussie English podcast. I’m Pete Smissen and my objective here is to teach you guys the English spoken down under. Whether you plan to travel, to work or to live in Australia or you just have an interest in our culture, history and spoken dialect of English. You have come to the right place. And whether you aim to speak English like a true blue Aussie or you just want to be able to understand “what the flippin’ hell we’re on about when we’re havin’ a yarn”. You have come to the right place. If you listen to this podcast you will learn: • A ton of Aussie slang and vocabulary, • Heaps of terms and expressions, • And a bunch about Australian history and culture. So kick back, grab a cuppa and enjoy Aussie English!
Easyfrench, le français facile!
THis podcast offers conversations in french on a wide range of topics, and a list of useful words and expressions
Travel Agent Achievers - To Educate, Encourage and Empower Travel Professionals
Travel Agent Achievers is an educational podcast by Australian travel professional, Roslyn Ranse. Educating, empowering and encouraging travel agents. Whether you are working in a shop front or as mobile travel agent, we are here to help you grow your business and stay ahead of the competition. We will explore strategies in all facets of business. Sales, marketing, customer service, finance, and project management. Success belongs to the eager and the equipped. The time is now. Design a travel business where you can focus on what you love doing. Creating memorable travel experiences for your clients. Here you'll learn new strategies on the ‘business’ side of things.
Accounting Best Practices with Steve Bragg
Discussions about accounting management, best practices, controls, throughput accounting, and GAAP for the accountant, controller, or CFO.
MJS Podcast
Kumpulan rekaman kajian-kajian yang diadakan di Masjid Jendral Sudirman Yogyakarta | Alamat: Jln. Rajawali No. 10 Kompleks Kolombo, Demangan Baru, Caturtunggal, Depok, Sleman, Yogyakarta 55281 | Telepon: 0274 - 563149 | Email: redaksimjs@gmail.com Web : https://mjscolombo.com/ Instagram : @masjidjendralsudirman Twitter : @MJS_Jogja
Podcast Kajian Islam
Podcast Kajian Islam - Untuk para orang tua atau calon orang tua yang peduli dengan generasi islam selanjutnya. Kajian-kajian dan ilmu khusus untuk mendidik generasi Islam. Melalui Sejarah, Akidah, dan Akhlak.
Belajar Menjadi Dewasa
Sebuah podcast yang mengantar kamu ke dunia pendewasaan. Kamu bisa komunikasi sama aku di belajardewasa65@gmail.com.
Satu Persen Podcast
Berkembang bersama kami, Satu Persen setiap hari menuju #HidupSeutuhnya.