This version of the Podcast Directory requires Winamp 5.9
El Show de Superhábitos
Un Podcast para emprendedores en el que cada semana compartimos en familia herramientas y hábitos que hacen que iniciar un negocio sea simple.
Lletra lligada
El programa va dirigit especialment a pares i mares, però també a tots aquells que participen en l'educació dels nostres fills i filles. La nostra intenció és ser una guia útil i pràctica per enfrontar la dura tasca d'educar. Volem afrontar junts les pors, les incerteses i les preguntes que van sorgint en les diferents etapes de la vida d'un nen, i intentar fer-ho amb experts, amb persones que comparteixin la seva experiència i amb bon humor. Un espai per compartir.
Unlimited Spanish podcast with Oscar
The Unlimited Spanish Podcast is your resource for practicing your Spanish speaking and listening. You will learn Spanish with the Question and Answer (TPRS) and Point of View techniques. You will also learn about the Spanish culture and the language itself. Finally, you will get valuable advice on Spanish learning. All the audio is in Spanish and you can get the text from unlimitedspanish.com || El Podcast de Unlimited Spanish es tu recurso para practicar tu habla y escucha de español. Aprenderás español con las técnicas de Pregunta y Respuesta (TPRS) y Punto de Vista. También aprenderás cultura española y sobre el idioma. Finalmente, conseguirás consejos sobre el aprendizaje del español. Todo el audio está en español. Puedes conseguir el texto en unlimitedspanish.com.
Speak English Now Podcast: Learn English | Speak English without grammar.
The Speak English Now Podcast is your resource for practicing your English speaking and listening. You will learn English with the Question and Answer (TPRS) and Point of View techniques. You won’t need any grammar nor boring exercises. You will also learn about the English culture and the language itself. Finally, you will get valuable advice on learning English. All the audio is in English and you can get the text at SpeakEnglishPodcast.com
Atrodi Savu Balsi
Podkāsts latviešu valodā ar un par ikdieņas varoņiem un viņu pieredzes stāstiem. Kas tas tad ir šie varoņi? Varonis vai varone ir cilvēks, kurš seko savai svētlaimei, savām idejām un iet dzīvē uz priekšu neskatoties un neiespaidojoties uz ārējiem apstākļiem. Mūsdienu varonis ir cilvēks, kurš dara to, kas viņam patīk un pelna ar to iztiku. Tas ir cilvēks, kurš seko saviem sapņiem un uzveic savus iekšējos un ārējos 'pūķus'. Ko sagaidīt no šī podkāsta? Jaudīgas intervijas ar skaistiem cilvēkiem, lai iegūtu pozitīvu lādiņu, kā arī jaunas zināšanas.
Pieturzīmes ir pirmais valodas podkāsts Latvijā. Runāsim, diskutēsim un domāsim latviski par latvisko. Pieturzīmes cilvēkos, grāmatās un valodā. Aiga Veckalne ir valodniece un tulkotāja, kurai latviešu valoda ir ne tikai izglītība, bet arī aizraušanās, darbs un hobijs. Ikdienā viņa strādā Ventspils Augstskolā, kur arī studē doktorantūrā, bet brīvajā laikā vada valodas podkāstu “Pieturzīmes” un lietišķās sarakstes un iedarbīgas valodas seminārus. Ja vēlies atbalstīt "Pieturzīmes", to var izdarīt šeit: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/pieturzimes. Sūti ieteikumus uz aiga@pieturzimes.lv!
Two White Chicks in China: Live in China | Learn Chinese | Make Money in Asia | Shenzhen
Whether you're just curious about life in China or seriously considering spending some time or setting up a business in the largest economy on earth, Hollie and Nora are here to answer all of your questions about living, working and playing in China. Hollie is from the UK, has been in China since 2011 and is currently working as the Social Media Director of a tech company in Shenzhen. Nora is from the US and has been living in China since 2009. Nora is the co-founder of WrittenChinese.com.
Discover how to negotiate with Chinese business people, what it really takes to learn Mandarin, how Chinese people let their hair down and any other questions you might wonder about what's it really like to live in China today. Hollie and Nora are not afraid to get their hands dirty and get into the good, the bad and the ugly about what it's like to be a foreign girl in the fastest growing city in China- on the opposite side of the globe from home!
Learn Spanish | SpanishPod101.com
SpanishPod101.com is an innovative and fun way of learning the Spanish language and culture at your own convenience and pace. Our language training system consists of free daily podcast audio lessons, video lessons, Spanish Word of the Day, a premium learning center, and a vibrant user community. Stop by SpanishPod101.com today for a Premium 7-Day Free Trial and Lifetime Account to even more fun, fast and easy Spanish lessons!
「外資系裏技英語」では、シビアな外資系企業で生き延びるためのコミュニケーション上の裏技を紹介!イギリス人サラリーマンBJ Foxと外資系コンサルティング会社での勤務経験がある芸人石井てる美が熱く語ります!