Podcast Directory

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Public Speaking

This podcast will help you to learn public speaking from scratch.

The Book Show & Rough Note by RJ Ananthi

Official Podcast by RJ Ananthi. Follow The Book Show to catch up with the latest episodes! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4vgd34lbz4rMekxNfmxOIg

Words beyond action

God has already done everything He's going to do. The ball is now in your court. If you want success, if you want wisdom, if you want to be prosperous and healthy, you're going to have to do more than meditate and believe; you must boldly declare words of faith and victory over yourself and your family. Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/words-beyond-action/support

The Inspiring Talk

The Inspiring Talk is a chart-topping self-help podcast. Host Bijay Gautam interviews today’s most successful and Inspiring personalities to inspire you to achieve your biggest dreams. Your life is about to get transformed as guests of the show not only share their success stories but also the challenges and obstacles they’ve faced and how they were able to overcome them. Past guests include Authors of best-selling books, Entrepreneurs, Celebrities, Achievers and Thought Leaders. Visit http://theinspiringtalk.com for the latest updates and information.

The Two Bros' Podcast

Bringing diverse views through conversations on a wide variety of topics - ranging from European sport to Indian quirks. Having grown up in the ‘emerging’ economy and with jobs that are poles apart, the Two Bros dissect things to make sense in a normal layperson-think kinda way.


This podcast is about self-love, career and basically adulting 101.

Make Me Better

The Make Me Better podcast brings personality development, self help tips, productivity ideas and motivational audio to help you improve and enhance your personality


"वाचनकट्टा" या उपक्रमास 18 मार्च 2020 पासून सुरुवात करण्यात आलेली असून सदर उपक्रमात एखादी बोधकथा, प्रेरणादायी उतारा,थोरांचे विचार,सुंदर विचार,प्रेरणादायी प्रसंग असे जे काही उत्तम वाचनात येईल त्याचा एक माझ्या स्वतः च्या आवाजात ऑडिओ तयार करण्यात येऊन तो प्रकाशित करण्यात येतो. वाचनकट्ट्याचे संपूर्ण महाराष्ट्रासह दुबई व सिंगापूर मध्ये जवळपास 8 ते 9 हजार श्रोते आहेत.वाचनकट्ट्याच्या माध्यमातून केवळ दर्जेदार साहित्य श्रोत्यांपर्यंत पोचविणे हाच एकमेव हेतू आहे.वाचनकट्ट्याचा ऑडिओ रेकॉर्ड करतांना लेखकाच्या नावाचा आवर्जून उल्लेख करण्यात येतो. सदर साहित्याचा कोणताही दुरुपयोग वाचनकट्ट्याच्या माध्यमातून केला जात नाही.आपणही आपले अथवा आपल्या वाचनात आलेले निर्विवाद व दर्जेदार साहित्य वाचनकट्ट्यासाठी पाठवू शकता.

The Jaipur Dialogues

A Platform for The Right Thinking People. An endeavor to bring the best minds together for in-depth exchanges of thoughts and ideas. Besides physical events, now hosting digital events in a big way! Log on to www.thejaipurdialogues.com

Sales Influence - Why People Buy!

Today's buyer is more informed and more skeptical when it comes to buying. In this podcast, we'll discuss 'Finding the Why in How Clients Buy' by using the latest studies in consumer behavior and neuromarketing to sell more effectively!