Podcast Directory

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Pera & Purpose Podcast

Hosted by Jay Adrian Tolentino AKA “Kuya Jay”. He is an advocate of Financial Literacy and an Independent Financial Coach based in Dubai. The aim of this program is to help every Filipino become debt-free, build wealth and live a purposeful life. Topics include proper money management, entrepreneurship, investments, and the stories of many notable entrepreneurs and personal finance personalities. Connect with him on: https://beacons.page/heykuyajay

Fearless Presentations

Description Want to eliminate public speaking fear and become a more poised and confident presenter and speaker? Then Fearless Presentations is the answer. This podcast is based on our famous two-day presentation skills class offered in cities all over the world.

Learning English Broadcast - VOA Learning English

Learning English programs use a limited vocabulary and short sentences. They are read at a slower pace than VOA's other English broadcasts. Our broadcasts were formerly known as Special English.

Everyday Grammar - VOA Learning English

How Americans use English grammar in everyday conversation.

The Shameless Life Podcast

Welcome to the Shameless Life Podcast where we master the art of being shameless. I’m your host Breanna Aponte. Self-made entrepreneur, brand expert, and online coach helping everyday women create and live a life they love. If you’re ready to Abandon fear, become your best self and turn your dreams into reality, you’re in the right place!

تواق | Tawwaq

قالها الخليفة الراشد عمر بن عبدالعزيز رحمه الله (إن لي نفساً تواقة) حروف من ذهب تكتب على جباه العاملين والآملين، أناس تجتهد من أجل حلم يبرق أمامهم وآخرون لا يفتر مسيرهم إلى قمة جبل طموحهم وآخرون تائهون عن الطريق وآخرون يزحفون باتجاه كوة النجاة وآخرون يركضون ولكن في الطريق الخاطئ وآخرون .. وصلوا ولكن إلى الهاوية ... إن الهمة العالية داخل النفوس شقاء يبتلى به صاحبها وهي وقود دون زاد وطريق دون خارطة ووجهة دون بوصلة ، تقذفه أمواج الحياة فيرتطم بصخور الاجتهادات ، ونحن هنا في بودكاست تواق نحث الهمم ونغرس القيم وندل على خير القمم عبر استضافات الخبراء المتميزين في تخصصاتهم ليخطوا لنا مساراً آمنا بيد خبرتهم لتكتمل بعد خطوطهم حدود خارطة المتلقي ليسير نحو أهدافه باتزان ويصل إلى قمته بأمان .. واصل ناجح لم يخسر صحته من أجل قمته ولم يترك مبادئه من أجل أهدافه ولم يهمل أسرته من أجل إنجازه .. فللنفس خلوة وللناس حظوة وللصحة مكان وللصحبة مكانة وللأسرة أولوية ولله جل جلاله كل شيء .

Italiano ON-Air

Il podcast sulla lingua italiana (https://podcast.scuolaleonardo.com/) della Scuola Leonardo da Vinci Nella nostra scuola di lingua italiana (https://www.scuolaleonardo.com/it/) poniamo molto accento sulla lingua parlata, quella che ti permette di avere scambi fluidi con i madrelingua e anche di imparare la grammatica e gli usi della lingua in modo semplice e divertente. Da qui è nata l'idea di un podcast! I nostri insegnanti di lingua italiana hanno pensato ad un format sulla lingua italiana, per imparare vocaboli, espressioni, modi di dire. Per praticare l'ascolto e la pronuncia. Su Italiano ON Air potrai sentire un dialogo su un argomento di attualità o di cultura, e qualche volta saranno protagonisti anche i nostri studenti! Seguici! The podcast on the Italian language (https://podcast.scuolaleonardo.com/) by Scuola Leonardo da Vinci In our Italian language school (https://www.scuolaleonardo.com/) we put a lot of emphasis on the spoken language, the one that allows you to have fluent exchanges with native speakers and also to learn grammar in a simple and fun way. Hence the idea of a podcast! Our Italian language teachers have thought of a format for the Italian language, to learn words, expressions, and idioms. To practice listening and pronunciation. On "Italiano ON-Air" you can hear dialogue on a topical or cultural topic, and sometimes our students will be protagonists too!

Learn to Paint Podcast

Every other week, you'll hear conversations with artists and teachers about how to get better at painting. Conversations will cover topics for all levels of painter from beginning to advanced. We'll explore everything from tools and techniques, color theory, composition and design to habits and goals.

Keys 2 the Rock

This is a Bermuda Real Estate Podcast focusing on the different aspects of the industry. Join our hosts Ben Rego & Daniel Woods as they speak on their experiences and interview guests in Bermuda's Real Estate. As someone who maybe new to the real estate or someone who has well experienced, you can expect a very in-depth conversation covering various topics inside the industry.

NPTE Final Frontier Podcast

Premier NPTE preparation. Visit www.npteff.com today!