Podcast Directory

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Russia and Eurasia - Audio

Major areas of focus include regional security, domestic politics, economic development, trade and transit, defense technology, and energy, among others. CSIS also analyzes the political and economic relationships between the states of the former Soviet Union and other critical geopolitical actors, including the United States, the European Union, and the states of Northeast Asia, South Asia, and the Greater Middle East. This work is anchored by the Russia and Eurasia Program and supplemented by the Europe Program, the International Security Program, and others. Find the latest research from our scholars and CSIS events on this region below.

听故事说中文Learning Chinese through Stories

Using more than 99% target language, 听故事学中文Learning Chinese through Stories(LCTS) creates authentic and immersive podcasts to help people around the world develop Chinese language skills and cultural competency. It covers a wide range of topics and proficiency levels(Novice, Intermediate, Advanced). Every story has two parts: story (A) and story explanation (B), accompanied by annotated vocabulary and transcript. For example, an episode titled '2.3.12 A' means this episode is at the level of Intermediate High (2.3), is the 12th episode created for this level, and is the story, not story explanation. You can also read along with the stories and explanations by becoming our patrons. https://www.patreon.com/learningchinesethroughstories

Droos Podcast - دروس بودكاست

هذا البودكاست، الغرض منه هو مشاركة التجارب الملهمة والمختلفة معكم من أجل أن تعم الفائدة.

Mohammad Itani - محمد عيتاني

طوّر نفسك أهلا بيك هدف هذه القناة بسيط و واضح، و هو اكتشاف القدرات الكامنة بداخلك بمجرد وصولك الى هنا، فذلك يعني انك شخص يبحث عن تطوير نفسه هذه القناة وجدت لكي تساعدك بالبحث عن القدرات التي تمتلكها، سأحاول بكل فيديو ان اقدم لك اداة او معلومة تستفز عقلك و قدراتك و تحثك على التقدم نحو هدفك على الصعيد الشخصي و المهني. و بذلك تكون تميزت بجتمعك و أصبحت شعلة تنير طريق من حولك، فإذا كل شخص منا أصبح شعلة نستطيع أن نغير الكثير بإن الله أنا محمد عيتاني, صاحب شركة س.و.ل للاستشارات | براند ماناجر لشركة بلوبي | مدرب و محاضر في مجالي المبيع و التسويق أتمنى لك كل التوفيق في رحلتك للنجاح

Italiano Bello

?? Ciao! Vuoi imparare l'italiano? Allora sei nel posto giusto! Io sono Irene, e in questo podcast troverai tanti episodi in italiano semplice. Parleremo del più e del meno (cioè... di tutto!): di vita quotidiana e cultura italiana, di lingua e letteratura, di suggerimenti per imparare l'italiano, e tanto altro! ?? Sei pronto per cominciare? Ho preparato un regalo per te; è una video lezione completamente gratuita, e la trovi qui: https://pages.italianobello.it/ppv-iscrizione/ ?️ Se questo podcast ti piace, non dimenticare di lasciare una review e di consigliarlo ai tuoi amici!

Podcast Italiano

Learn Italian through authentic content

Italiano In 7 Minuti - Learn Italian With Simone

From the youtube channel "Italiano in 7 minuti". Two episodes every week for students of the Italian language.

Satura Lanx

Salve amice, this is a Latin podcast for beginners. If you want to taste a piece of authentic Latin literature, download here your 3-tiered simplified version of Catullus' "Carme III": I create and share Latin materials for beginners. Click on the link below to download a 3-tiered simplified version of Catullus' "Carme III": https://pages.saturalanx.eu/catullus-carme/

Italiano con Amore

Ciao, sono Eleonora e con il podcast di Italiano con Amore voglio portarti in Italia con me! Qui ti parlo di lingua, cultura italiana e tante altre curiosità. Olá, eu sou Eleonora e com o podcast de "Italiano con Amore" quero levar você para a Itália comigo! Aqui eu falo sobre língua, cultura italiana e outras curiosidades.

Young and Profiting with Hala Taha

Join Hala Taha as she interviews some of the brightest minds in the world―turning their wisdom into actionable advice you can use in your life no matter your age, profession or industry. Our subject matter ranges from enhancing productivity, how to gain influence, the art of side hustles and more! If you’re smart and like to continually improve yourself, hit the subscribe button, because you’ll love it here at Young and Profiting Podcast.