Podcast Directory

This version of the Podcast Directory requires Winamp 5.9

Old Wisdom, New Insights

This podcast provides you with inspirational ancient wisdom that still applies today. We share stories of our ancestors and explain in-depth the meanings behind those savvy and motivating quotes. We dig deep so that you'll know exactly how to use it! Let the old wisdom guide your way!



The Revelation of Food 末日料理

如果知道生命的終點是必然,你會選擇吃什麼?吃,如果只是為了生存,何必大費周章創造出那麼多料理?吃,如果是一種享受,為什麼又有這麼多人放棄可以自我取悅的技能呢? 在這裡可以聽到關於自我成長、習慣養成、身心靈健康的文章,就像一本有聲書。另外,還有我的料理心得分享,讓料理成為我終身鍛煉的習慣,從自己的健康照顧起,進而把飲食的喜悅和更多的人分享。


这是有着20年专业电台主持和语言表演教学经验的小雪老师送给宝贝们的礼物。 每天都有最新出炉、还冒着热气的好听故事。还有机会成为故事小主播哦! 新浪微博:@小雪老师讲故事 微信公众号:小雪老师讲故事

高效磨耳朵 | 最好的英语听力资源



生活就得挂点儿彩 东北版“海盗电台” 沈阳独立电影人创立的综合类独立影像电台 招牌栏目《爱马克》 女性类《蛇精派》 美食类《呲好贺》 音乐类《青橙派》 电影类《电影迷》 新闻类《过来说》 即兴类《特别节目》

Slow Chinese Podcast - 慢速汉语 Learn Chinese 学中文

Let’s learn both the Chinese language and Chinese culture through Slow Chinese. In this podcast, short stories/news/articles in different levels are told in very slow and clear Mandarin Chinese. Video and Script PDF with Pinyin/English/Chinese available. Improving your Chinese reading, listening and speaking by practicing with it again and again! Instagram/Youtube/Wechat Channel/Facebook page: Chinesewithmei



Hacking Chinese Podcast

A podcast about how to learn Mandarin. In-depth discussions about how to overcome challenges, solve problems and get the most out of your learning. For more information and inspiration, visit https://www.hackingchinese.com!

