Podcast Directory

This version of the Podcast Directory requires Winamp 5.9

My Stories of Chinese Characters

"My Stories of Chinese Characters" is hosted by Uncle Hanzi, an American who has studied Chinese characters for 30 years. He will tell the stories behind Chinese characters in this series, which will show how the Chinese live their daily lives and how they have preserved the culture for centuries.


WolfPack狼群Podcast 我們從 Innergmae、Outergmae、軟價值、硬價值 透過實戰與案例來幫助男人得到全面的提升 YT:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEQIhtDgkJbm_7r9ftRiDSg IG:https://www.instagram.com/wolfpack_wild

5 Minute Chinese

5 Minute Chinese is a weekly podcast show that talks about all things in life in authentic yet comprehensible Mandarin. As a high school Mandarin teacher and language enthusiast, I explore fun, real-life experiences in the Mandarin language that you can relate, understand, learn and enjoy! Scripts and useful expressions can be found in the description of each Mandarin episode. If you have any questions or suggestions, you can email me at TheLoneMandarinTeacher@outlook.com. Best, The Lone Mandarin Teacher

Bahram Moshiri

Sarzamin Javid

Becoming - Podcast for Teens, Young Adults, and Individuals

Welcome to Becoming! A place for teen, young adults, and individuals - where together we are becoming more than we are, and who we were always meant to be. Through each episode, hosted by Tawni Beardall and Erica Peterson, we will feature different topics to enhance your growth, help you see the world differently and discover who you are, who you want to be, and who God is encouraging you to continue to become.

The Awareness of Success Podcast

In The Awareness of Success Podcast, we believe that ANYONE can CHANGE their CIRCUMSTANCES and create a better life for themselves by raising awareness of the Habits, mindsets, and Patterns that Create Success. Host Gilad Hanina is an Israeli entrepreneur, Founder of @awareness_of_success, and the founder of AOS Media. Gilad believes that by raising his own awareness of the things that actually create success, he was able to break free from his “previous life” and create his own path as an entrepreneur. Together with the incredible guests on the show, you’ll be able to leave with PRACTICAL advice on how to create your own success, change your circumstances, and improve on all areas of life.

The City Girl Savings Podcast

A weekly discussion focused on the intersection of money and the city girl lifestyle! On the podcast I'll be sharing my experiences, advice and guidance on navigating life and money as a city-loving millennial trying to build wealth and enjoy life at the same time! The podcast will also feature individuals navigating similar situations and sharing their feedback along the way!

The Baddie B Mindset Podcast

The Baddie B Mindset Podcast is the perfect dose of mindset, self love, and spirituality to keep female entrepreneurs, influencers, business women, and baddies aligned to their vision. Join us every week as we get down on some major bad b*tch brain work!

Honey talks expensive

What’s better than listening to a podcast where you can hear valuable and reliable topics? Welcome to honey talks expensive, I am your host Yung Honey. I am speaking on topics that includes wealth, sex, relationships and spirituality. Valuable information that goes beyond the mic and implemented in daily life.

Economía Masticada

“Economía Masticada” es un espacio para hablar de conceptos y fenómenos económicos que nos afectan en el día a día; pero que a veces son difíciles de comprender. En este podcast los masticamos y se los presentamos de forma más digerible.