Podcast Directory

This version of the Podcast Directory requires Winamp 5.9

Sanando entre Amigas

En "Sanando entre Amigas" abrimos las puertas de nuestra amistad; compartiendo las platicas que tenemos constantemente, desde retos y metas hasta la exploración más profunda de sentimientos, miedos y emociones, que vivimos en todas las areas de nuestra vida. Tenemos una conexión que hemos ido cultivando con el corazón abierto; vulnerables, comprensivas y sin miedo a explorar lo desconocido! Esperamos disfruten y nos acompañen en este camino de Exploración y Sanación.Con cariño, Vero & StephContáctanos EmailSanandoentreamigas@gmail.comInstagram@Sanandoentreamigas

High-Income Business Writing

Ed Gandia, co-author of the bestselling book, The Wealthy Freelancer, reveals how to propel your writing business to the six-figure level (or the part-time equivalent). In this nuts-and-bolts, no-nonsense podcast, you'll discover how to get better clients, earn more in less time, and bring more freedom and joy into your writing business. Ed will walk you through the practical, “doable” systems and strategies he has developed in his own writing business — the same systems he has taught his private coaching clients. He'll also show you what’s working for other business writers by bringing you real case studies from the field. And he'll share all this information in an honest and transparent way, with no hype or fluff. Topics covered include: getting better and higher-paying clients; banishing the feast-or-famine cycle; doing more of the work that excites you; how to raise your fees and rates; boosting your productivity; making your business recession-proof; discovering and leveraging your strengths; finding your niche; pricing content writing projects; pricing copywriting projects; writing white papers; writing case studies; writing web copy; writing articles; and much more.

Speak Chinese Naturally -Learn Chinese (Mandarin)

As a native Chinese speaker, a language lover, a qualified language teacher, I would like to help those people who want to speak Chinese naturally in the most efficient way. The way that will help you to speak Chinese naturally without any fear, any insecurity or any doubt. It will also help you to improve your listening, reading and writing skills as well as your pronunciation. Through this podcast you will learn the REAL Chinese, Chinese that we use in our daily life. You will get to know more about the Chinese cultural, the custom, idioms and slang, tons of tips for learning and more. Our


这档节目-目的是跨文化。 国际化的形式下,我们特别想帮助大家实现双文化视野。带你了解中西方文化差异。


斯塾并不是一个组织,而是一个群体。具体说,它是一个小小的、民间的文化课堂,由一个完全志愿、完全义务的讲授者群体共同支撑,纯公益性质。始于2004年8月。 斯塾塾训 倡扬国风 不辞绵薄 网址:www.sishu.cn



La Llave

La Llave is a biweekly podcast hosted by Joelly Favela Medina. They say one person's story can be the key to unlocking someone else's prison. Her mission is to spread hope, laughter, and awareness while providing a judgment-free space for good conversations. Join her as she shares testimonies with family, friends, experts, and every day inspiring people.

Sleep Eat Perform Repeat

Discussions with individuals from professional sport, military, arts, business and other performance industries on their careers to date, with a focus on high performance and what makes these individuals tick. Hosted by David Clancy and Ciaran Dunne. Sponsored by Hauora.

The Short Coat

What no one tells you about medical school is just how remarkable it really is. Thanks to the medical students at the University of Iowa med school, and their co-host Dave Etler, you have a window into what *really* happens here at the margins of medicine, and we're here for you every week. Our goal: honest and fun discussions about the things you need to know about being a med student, medicine, and medical education. Get the inside story: give us your questions, comments, and suggestions on social media, at TheShortCoat.com, or by calling 347-SHORTCT. Contribute to our charity of the semester and get SCP merch at The Short Coat Podcast Store (http://theshortcoat.com/store). The opinions we share with you are formed by the sleep deprived, and are thus likely ill-considered and noticeably spur-of-the-moment. And definitely not those of the University of Iowa.

Misguided Goddess Podcast

The best friend & big sister you've always wanted! My views, my thoughts, my opinions, my advice. Spread Love