Podcast Directory

This version of the Podcast Directory requires Winamp 5.9


Hablemos de Derecho Disciplinario es un espacio académico en cual se estudian las normas vigentes del Estado Colombiano respecto a la vigilancia, control y sanción de las conductas de los funcionarios públicos y aquellos particulares que la Ley determinó cómo disciplinables, normas de carácter general y especial así como las últimas reformas proferidas por factor de convencionalidad.

She Said What?

Welcome to 'She Said What?' with your host, Alyssa Harper! This is a space where brutal honesty is required and nothing is TMI. We'll be chatting all things health, wellness, sex, relationships and more. You're going to leave this space empowered to tell your stories and excited to become the best version of yourself! Connect with me on Instagram: @alyssataylorharper


The idea of GoodViral is simple: People can, and want to, do more to help others. We want to make it easier for people to be involved. To support causes that make direct change for humans, animals, and the Earth. You don’t have to do much to inspire a lot. Inspiring one person to do good can inspire another to do good. When Good Goes Viral, The World Gets Better. Check out our podcast page: https://goodviral.org/podcast Follow us: https://www.instagram.com/goodviralorg/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOWY8fKndsnBdatJ https://www.tiktok.com/@goodviralorg?lang=en

Easy English Conversation

Easy learning language, Daily English conversation

Crecimiento Personal 🌺.

Bienvenidos a nuestro podcast donde hablaremos de temas que son importantes en la sociedad además normalizar que todos somos humanos y tenemos sentimiento para más seguirnos.

Si Eu Reusesc

Bine ai venit la podcastul #ȘiEuRusesc unde Diana Lupu, psihoterapeut, te invită pe un drum al poveștilor de reușită. Am lansat aceste episoade pentru a descrie cât de anevoios este parcursul eliberării de abuz, dar și care sunt resursele pe care fiecare dintre noi le are în interior sau le poate descoperi cu ajutorul celor din jur. Toate acestea pentru că știm cât de important este să nu fi singură, dar și să ai la îndemână informații care pot salva vieți. Află mai multe detalii despre activitatea noastră aici: www.sieureusesc.ro

"I" Got This!!

Ayse Hogan shares interviews, channelled messages, tips, strategies and tools that are filled with loads of AHA moments that resonate. The world is changing and we must evolve in a way that is "remembered, enlightened and empowered. Free the chains that leave you "stuck in the muck" of your fears. Join Visionary, Channel and Holistic Life Strategist, Ayse Hogan, and Co-Host Dylan Hunter Olson as they share and clearly define strategies, tips and tools in a way that that relates and resonates. Their personal journeys will inspire you and let you know that, "You Got This"!

En stilla podd

Vi delar våra tankar, bästa tips och erfarenheter för att peppa dig till att prioritera dig själv och ditt eget välmående. Med plats för mer stillhet i livet är vår övertygelse att det finns mindre plats för stress och mer för harmoni, balans och glädje.

História da Epidemiologia

Olá! Um pouquinho da história da Epidemiologia para vocês! :)

Podcast Psicología Londy M

Teoria de Aprendizaje Social de Bandura, Teoria de desarrollo de Pensamiento de Piaget y Teoría Sociocultural de Vitgosky