Podcast Directory

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Libertad 360

Aquí hablamos de vidas que se disfrutan, aquí hablamos de dejar de sobrevivir para comenzar a vivir.Aquí hablamos de Libertad, libertad para construir sueños, libertad para dejar huella, libertad para cambiar el mundo. Esto es Libertad 360.


¿Te atreves a ser tú mismo? Si sobrevives pero quieres empezara a vivir... Lucha por ser un joven auténtico, de esos fuertes, valientes, completos y felices!! No dejes que te lo cuenten!! Vívelo!!! Juventruth, un podcast de joven a joven.

Se Réaliser

Dans le podcast du site se-realiser.com, Bastien Wagener aborde des thématiques en lien avec le développement personnel, en s'appuyant sur la recherche scientifique. Découvrez comment devenir plus efficace et plus heureux !

Prendre soin de Soi

Le podcast qui t'apprend à te délivrer de tes blocages, à reprendre confiance et créer ta vie sur mesure  www.magaliedannely.fr       ? Mon coaching en ligne "Décodez vos émotions et vivez la vie que vous méritez !" TOTALEMENT GRATUIT  ? https://urlz.fr/cQ9S     Découvrez mes programmes de coaching en ligne ici  ?https://www.revelationdesoi.podia.com/      Retrouvez-moi sur Facebook :   ?https://www.facebook.com/magaliedannely/      Instagram:   ?https://www.instagram.com/magaliedannely    

Psikolog Tülay Kök

Neden podcast yapıyorum? Bunun bir kaç sebebi var. Bazı kişiler okumaktan ziyade dinlediklerinde daha iyi öğrenirler ya da bu şekilde öğrenmekten keyif alabilirler. Bir konuyu dinlemek izlemekten çok daha konforludur. İzlemek için ekranın başına oturmanız gerekir ama hareket halindeyken, iş yaparken, spor yaparken dinleme yapabilirsiniz.

Startup School by Y Combinator

Learn how to start a startup with YC’s free 10-week course. A series of lectures and conversations with YC Partners, startup founders, and experts on how to start a successful company.

School Leadership Series with Daniel Bauer

The SCHOOL LEADERSHIP SERIES is ranked in the TOP 3% of over 2 million podcasts globally. It is a daily podcast for school leaders. Always 5-minutes or less, the goal of the show is to offer quick inspiration and encouragement to heroic educators around the world every Monday thru Friday. Created by Daniel Bauer in 2018, this show is hosted by a team of exceptional leaders who represent INNOVATIVE and DIVERSE VOICES in EDUCATION. Learn more and also tune into the #1 downloaded podcast for school leaders, Better Leaders Better Schools, at https://betterleadersbetterschools.com

The Demartini Show

If you are serious about your own empowerment and you're looking for the most efficient and effective pathway to go to the next level in your life, if you're looking for the world's #1 leading specialist in human behavior to guide you and help you make sense of your life and help you get the advantage, then welcome home. This podcast is for you. Dr John Demartini is a researcher, author, and global educator. He has developed step by step processes that help you to clarify your vision, achieve your goals and empower all the areas of your life so that you get to live a fulfilled and purposeful life. He has studied over 30,000 books across all the defined academic disciplines and has synthesized the wisdom of the ages which he shares on stage in over 100 countries.

Understanding Anatomy and Physiology Study Group Podcast

Understanding Anatomy and Physiology

Make Yourself Proud: How I Evolved From Self Loathing to Self Loving

Follow me on a journey of my past to uncover the moments of trauma that caused me so much hate & anger and see how I am healing from those to love myself. We will laugh, we will cry, and hopefully you’ll feel less alone in your life!