Podcast Directory

This version of the Podcast Directory requires Winamp 5.9

Badryatusyahryah Disini

Riri’s Podcast

Adivania Vilarinho

Seja muito bem vindo! Esse será nosso momento de conversa, momento de parar para pensar e buscar o equilíbrio para a vida.

Caetano Miele

Informações sobre aulas on line, datas, eventos e muito mais

The Amber Hawken Podcast

As a holistic behavioural therapist, Amber invites her guests to reveal the workings of their inner world while unpacking their expertise in topics ranging from psychosomatic therapies and bio-hacking to multi-million dollar for-profit organisations bettering our planet. She extracts the practices, habits, traits and strategies they teach, have mastered or are developing. The conversations are often deep, hilarious and reveal the human behind the voice.

Enfermagem em saúde mental

Esse podcast é uma atividade de extensão da disciplina de evolução do processo de trabalho da enfermagem.

Bekti Sambat

Segala macam cerita, aktivitas, sharing, dan kekonyolan yang ada di kehidupan Bekti :))

Trasciende Conmigo

He decidio crear este podcast para contar mis experiencias de vida, mi proceso al momento de emprender, mis caidas, tropiezos y resultados, todavia me falta mucho por aprender, por crecer pero se que con lo poco que he aprendido puedo impactar vidas, quizas muchos esten pasando por sucesos iguales o similares, no saben con quien hablar, como sentirse, pueda que se sientan perdidos, desorientados, sin ganas de nada queriendo renunciar a todo, y no se atreven a compartir lo que sienten porque a lo mejor piensan que es tonto, que no tienen una persona que vibre a su misma frecuencia y los entiend

ICU Fellowship PrepCast

This podcast series is created for Intensive care trainees who are appearing for their final fellowship exam. The idea is to discuss different vivas asked in previous College of Intensive Care exams. However, this series will be useful for all healthcare professionals working in Intensive care to sharpen their critical thinking.

SHERO - Für deine innere Heldin - Selbstvertrauen, Mut & Wahrhaftigkeit

Ich begrüße dich aus ganzem Herzen zu meinem Podcast SHERO - Be Brave, Follow your Truth. Dieser Podcast ist für deine innere Heldin. Für den Anteil in dir, der mutig für das einsteht, was dich erfüllt, was deiner Wahrheit entspricht und was dem großen Ganzen dient, um mehr Liebe & Verbundenheit auf dieser Welt zu verteilen. Besuche mich gerne auch hier: Webseite: www.tanita-romina.de Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/moveyourlove/ Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTo8yMIMjwLGuT3fZxRJX8A Sei mutig und folge deiner Wahrheit. Von Herzen, Tanita


Education & Healthcare