Podcast Directory

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APM Project Management Qualification

APM Project Management Qualification


أنا سمية و أنا هاجر، صديقتان، اجتمعنا في بودكاست عربي جزائري بعنوان "كلمة" نسعى من خلاله لمشاركة آرائنا و مناقشة كلمات ومعانيها وأبعادها ، و هدفنا ليس إيجاد الأجوبة إنما طرح التساؤلات.

Start writing essays - Audio

Returning to study or starting it for the first time can be daunting. Many students are frightened of writing essays, but it’s a craft that can be learnt. This album will help you to build confidence in all areas of essay writing. A student discusses with two tutors her writing methods and how she adapts her techniques for exams and assignments. With tips shared from Professor Richard Dawkins, TV personality Matthew Kelly, former MP Brian Walden, Baroness Helena Kennedy, journalist John Pilgner and radio presenters John Humphrys and Peter White. This material forms part of The Open University course A172 Start writing essays.

SoShow Arabic and English

This podcast is mostly Arabic starting August 2022 and it contains textual and scientific criticism of Islam and religions in general. لا يغير الإنسان واقعه حتى يغير ما في عقله و لا يتم تغيير العقل من دون طرح الأسئلة--كل الأسئلة-- و إذا لم تكن تملك الجرأة لطرحها فهذه القناة لن تعجبك! حاولت ككثير من المرقعين المسلمين إيجاد حلول و أجوبة لأسئلة أزعجت إيماني التقليدي و كنت قد قررت بالفعل التحول من المذهب السّنّي إلى المذهب الشيعي على أعتبار أن الشّيعة أقرب للعلمانية من السنة و لكن للأسف أكتشفت أن أئمة الشيعة إرهابيون و مجرمون كائمة السنة وشكرا

Green-Eyed English: English Learning Podcast

An English learning podcast! Are you an intermediate or higher level English learner? Are you an adult? Are you looking for interesting, realistic listening and reading resources? Then Green-Eyed English is for you! Regular episodes on interesting topics like travel, health, science, politics, and more... This is a podcast for English learners. Intermediate English learners and higher. Use it for English listening practice, learning English vocabulary, and also English reading (with the transcript). English podcast Learn English Learning Study English Listening practice British English Speaking English learning podcast 英语学习播客 英語學習播客 Podcast d'apprentissage de l'anglais Podcast de aprendizaje de inglés Podcast Englisch lernen podcast para aprender inglês Подкаст по изучению английского языка Podcast do nauki angielskiego Εκμάθηση αγγλικών podcast Podcast di apprendimento dell'inglese 英語学習ポッドキャスト 영어 학습 팟캐스트 พอดคาสต์เรียนภาษาอังกฤษ Podcast học tiếng anh Podcast belajar bahasa Inggris بودكاست تعلم اللغة الإنجليزية

The Body and The Beast

Join Jay Alderton and Dan Meredith as they take you through the ups and downs on Mindest, Social Media, Entrepreneurship and Navigating this crazy thing called life

One Minute Ukrainian

Learn Ukrainian with Oksana and Mark. In this podcast you'll be learning just enough Ukrainian to get by on a holiday or business trip to the Ukraine. Each lesson includes just over a minute of language-learning content, so there's no excuse not to learn! Remember, even a few phrases of a language can help you make friends and enjoy travel more.

Curious Muse

Welcome to Curious Muse! We bring the best of arts and culture stories from around the world. Our episodes will make you feel curious, learn new things and have a good time too. We cover a wide range of topics - visual and performing arts, literature and history, architecture and design, fashion and more - explained in a cool, digital way. If you enjoy Curious Muse and would like to support us please become our patreon. All donations will go 100% towards creating more great content for you. Thank you! https://curiousmuse.org/


Psychiatry is a medical discipline seeking to understand and treat mental illness. These podcasts provide an introduction to core topics in psychiatry, and to research undertaken in the Oxford University Department of Psychiatry. This series is relevant to health-care professionals and members of the public. The topic podcasts are particularly relevant to medical students studying psychiatry.

Learn Arabic -Syrian- Levantine colloquial Arabic امثال شعبية- تعلم اللهجة الشامية السورية-

https://anchor.fm/levantine/subscribe هذا البودكاست لكل المتكلمين باللغة العربية الذين يحبون تعلم اللهجة# الشامية تعلم الامثال الشعبية السورية - Arabic Proverbs Learn Syria for free #Colloquial-Arabic -#Damascus Accent #Arabic-Podcast #learn-syrian #learn-online #COVID-19-Arabic-online #Syrians #Arabic-Language Thana created Arabic Courses at CTYONLINE at Johns Hopkins University