Podcast Directory

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The Invisible Gift

Welcome to The Invisible Gift, the show all about turning the Neurodiversity into possibility. Andrew Kitley grew up knowing he was different. His dyslexia and ADHD made it difficult for Andrew to learn the same way others did in school. Despite Andrew possessing exceptional abilities in other areas, he was told he had a problem, a disability. Andrew left school frustrated, unfulfilled, without reaching his full potential. This could have been a disaster but it turned out to be a blessing. Andrew would work his way up the literal and metaphorical ladder to become Managing Director of Kitall: a structural engineering firm. Under Andrew's guidance, Kitall is now one of the most sought after names to complete complex engineering projects in the UK. Now, Andrew is under no illusion he has a gift. His dyslexia, his neurodiversity, has made him determined, adaptive, and creative. Andrew is on a mission to learn more about neurodiversity. How it can challenge, define, and empower. In The Invisible Gift, Andrew will seek the advice and inspiration of another trailblazer who has defied the odds to achieve the extraordinary - turning their challenge into an invisible gift.

Black Girl Finance

The Black Girl Finance Podcast is a podcast dedicated to our money minded sisters. We want to create a safe place for women to talk about all things money and finances to assist black women as they work on hitting their individual financial goals! Created by award winning online financial influencer Selina Flavius founder of Black Girl Finance - www.blackgirlfinance.co.uk

PTE Academic Exam Podcast

Welcome to the Swoosh English PTE Academic Podcast hosted by Scott and Una. Join us as we break down the different topics and tests of the PTE to help you get the scores you need.

The Personal Excellence Podcast

Hi, I'm Celestine Chua, founder of PersonalExcellence.co, one of the top personal development blogs with over 400,000 pageviews per month. The Personal Excellence Podcast is about how to live your best life in today's world. I share practical tips on personal growth, from improving your personal productivity, to achieving happiness, to dealing with life's setbacks. Let's get started!

Raising Little People

We are the Bilingual Day Nursery and our podcast “Raising Little People” was designed to help parents navigate their way through raising our future generations. We speak to professionals from many industries to help you process the complex and often confusing information which exists regarding all things children and parenthood, and we share all of our expertise and tips from the childcare world. Our aim is support you with sound, reliable advice from the experts from pregnancy through to school age children and beyond. Get in touch with us @bilingualdaynurseryashby on Instagram or Facebook.

Farmers Diary

This podcast is focused on helping smallholder farmers make better decisions in order to improve their livelihood.

د. طارق السويدان | الوسطية ـ رياح التغيير

طارق السويدان باحث وكاتب، وداعية إسلامي، ومؤرخ، وإعلامي، ومدرب في الإدارة والقيادة. اشتهر ببرامجه التلفزيونية التي تتناول التاريخ الإسلامي والفكر وتنمية القدرات والأداء والقيادة

El Viaje Hacia Adentro | @ale.saavedra.ok

Anotate al MindfulLab: alesaavedracerball.com ¿Sientes que el miedo y los pensamientos negativos te invaden? ¿No puedes dejar ir momentos del pasado? ¿Sientes culpa por no haber tomado una “mejor” decisión? ¿Vives preocupándote por el futuro? Te voy a dar herramientas para que puedas salir de esos estados mentales. Que entiendas tu mente y uses todo el potencial que tiene a tu favor. Vas a aprender a dirigir tu atención al presente y vivir una vida con más gratitud y confianza. Vas a empezar a ver la vida desde un punto de vista más positivo. Seguime en Instagram: @ale.saavedra.ok

Recomenzando. Entender la separación, ruptura o divorcio para crecer y volver a brillar.

Soy coach especialista en procesos de separación de pareja, ruptura amorosa o divorcio. ¿Quieres superar a tu ex pareja de una vez por todas? ¿Quieres recuperar a tu ex y volver a una vida juntos? Sé muy bien el momento que transitas, los pensamientos que te azotan a diario y quiero compartirte mi mirada y experiencia para ayudarte a pensar. Cualquier cosa es posible si trabajas en ti, configuras la mentalidad de cambio adecuada y tomas las decisiones más alineadas con tu ser interior. Supera tu divorcio. Supera tu separación de pareja. Supera a tu ex. Supera una ruptura de pareja. Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/patricio-defranchi/support

Portal al Alma

¿Querés reprogramar tu Mente, conectar tus emociones y alcanzar la Paz? ¿Te gustaria conocerte, amarte y sanar las heridas de tu infancia? Desde este espacio te compartiré reflexiones, meditaciones, ejercicios, claves de conciencia, visualizaciones y herramientas útiles para llevar tu vida a un nuevo nivel. Mi nombre es Analía Emanuele, soy licenciada en psicopedagogía, coach, biodescodificadora y mentora en decodificar la herida infantil. ¡Te doy la bienvenida!