Podcast Directory

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Psychoanalytic Thinking with Dr Don Carveth

Join distinguished professor and psychoanalyst Dr Don Carveth for engaging lectures centring around psychoanalysis, diving into its roots, bringing us up to the modern-day. Known for his clear communication style, Don’s grasp of the literature comes through in the thought-provoking opinions he provides. This podcast will facilitate a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you. Donald L Carveth, PhD, RP, FIPA is Emeritus Professor of Sociology and Social & Political Thought at York University in Toronto. He is a training and supervising analyst in the Canadian Institute of Psychoanalysis, past Director of the Toronto Institute of Psychoanalysis, and past Editor-in-Chief of the Canadian Journal of Psychoanalysis/Revue Canadienne de Psychanalyse.

Impact School of Faith

The Impact School of Faith is more focused on Faith and self-confidence, how it works, and how to apply it in our life. we're providing deeper knowledge of faith throughout the word of God by inspiring people and teaching them how to walk, live and overcome by Faith. Our hope is to inspire, to motivate and transform people lives forever. we will also interview amazing people and learn from their experiences in life, learn what they have been through and how they survive or how they overcame those challenges. We will also offer motivation mindset strategies that will lead to success.


Bringing the universe down to Earth.

Grounded in Ontario

Have you heard the buzz? We’ve got electrical safety tips for Licensed Electrical Contractors, Master and certified electricians working in Ontario. Hosted by the Electrical Safety Authority’s Josie Erzetic, we’ll explore best safety practices with ESA technical advisors and experts to arm you with the tools you need to get your job done safely! Plus hear about emerging industry trends, potential hazards, new bulletins and updates to the Ontario Electrical Safety Code. Stay informed and stay grounded!

Grammar and Writing Advice

Scribendi provides helpful and comprehensive tips to help you improve your grammar and your writing today. Whether you need help with punctuation, spelling, grammar, style, or tone, Scribendi will give you everything you need to improve your writing.

Practice Your Leadership

Ready to rise to your full potential and step into the world ready to live, love, and lead with intention and authenticity? It’s time to practice your leadership. Saralyn Hodgkin brings 20+ years of experience coaching individuals and teams to the mic to share her own learnings and provide rich resources and tools to help you along your leadership journey.


This podcast is all about nourishing the mind, body, and soul. Here to connect us so that we can connect with ourselves. In this podcast, I talk about personal growth, nourishment, movement, and spirituality as I explore each of these pillars of life myself. This podcast flows through me to help inspire you to create your dream life each day. ? Love, Audrey

Small Changes Big Impact

Small Changes Big Impact explores the challenges, process and impact of change that drives family medicine. Through honest conversations with family doctors, you will hear stories of how they were inspired to make a change and what they learned along the way. Listen, and be inspired by how family doctors and other primary care providers are having an impact and changing our world, one small change at a time. For family physician listeners, remember you can get up to 5 credits by completing a “linking learning to practice” activity. www.cfpc.ca

Mohammad Shahrour - محمد شحرور

محمد شحرور (11 أبريل 1938 – 21 ديسمبر 2019)؛ مهندس وباحث ومفكر سوري، وأحد أساتذة الهندسة المدنية في جامعة دمشق ومؤلف ومنظر لما أُطلِق عليه "القراءة المعاصرة للقرآن". بدأ شحرور كتاباته عن القرآن والإسلام بعد عودته من موسكو واتهمه البعض باعتناقه للفكر الماركسي بسبب قضاءه فترة شبابه في الاتحاد السوفيتي. في سنة 1990 أصدر كتاب الكتاب والقرآن الذي حاول فيه تطبيق بعض الأساليب اللغوية الجديدة في محاولة لإيجاد تفسير جديد للقرآن، وأثار ذلك لغطاً شديداً استمر لسنوات وصدرت العديد من الكتب لنقاش الأفكار الواردة في كتابه ومحاولة دحضها أو تأييدها. وقد كسب محمد شحرور العديد من المؤيدين والمعارضين لأفكاره.

Akoon | أكون

إذاعة (أكون) برامج متعددة، تحكي لك قصص عالمك الداخلي ليس لأنك غريب بل لأنك إنسان البرنامج الأول | مذكرات أُنس يحكي فيه (أُنس) مُذكراته عن ٢٠ شعور، من أدنى المشاعر لأعلاها، ويعرّفك على خبايا كل شعور وطرق التعامل معاه