Podcast Directory

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Canção do dia de sempre


Enfermagem Explicada

Saúde Bucal/papel do ortodentista na atenção primária

White Sand Room

Innovate, growing and sustain

Radical Well Being with Lalit

Welcome to Radical Well Being with Lalit. We aim to be the greatest in the Health and Wellness industry by making you the best version of yourself. In this Podcast, we'll present some of the deep-rooted researches to help you get healthy and fit, with a motivational spin. What we provide here is more than just scientific knowledge though. Our team provides you with all the tools you need to turn your life around. Listen, follow and apply. Instagram https://www.instagram.com/healfit.in/ Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/HealFit1

Neend Kyun Raat Bhar Nahin Aati

Cineink podcast series in Hindi/Urdu entitled 'Neend Kyun Raat Bhar Nahin Aati' discusses mental health related issues with the world-renowned psychoanalyst and psychiatrist Salman Akhtar, Professor of Psychiatry and Human Behaviour, Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia, USA.

Mental health problems affect millions of us, in our families, communities and workplaces. Experts say more people have experienced a mental health crisis during the coronavirus pandemic than ever previously recorded.

Presented by broadcaster, Pervaiz Alam, Neend Kyun Raat Bhar Nahin Aati' explores with Salman Akhtar how Covid-19 has impacted on our lives in the first two programmes, followed by a discussion in each episode on Fear, Greed, Love, Revenge and other human emotions that make or break.

Professor Salman Akhtar, one of the most creative and respected psychoanalysts in the world, has authored and edited more than 300 publications, including books on psychiatry and psychoanalysis. He writes poetry in Urdu and English.

This podcast series provides information, not advice. It is not intended to, and does not, amount to advice which you should rely on. It is not in any way an alternative to specific advice. You must therefore obtain the relevant professional or specialist advice before taking, or refraining from, any action based on the information in this resource.

11 patrones funcionales de salud



Life in general

VamosPorMas -radio

Capitulos semanales de Vamos por Más Veronica Santana IG @VeroSantanaLifeCoach Alejandro Juroczko IG @AleJuro

Audiostretto 59/4/24

Audiostretto 59/4/24 ist ein täglicher Podcast mit jeweils einem ermutigenden Impuls für den Tag. Weil vielen heute in einem Tag mit einer vollen Agenda wenig Zeit bleibt, ist dieser Input maximal 59 Sekunden lang. Also analog zu einem Ristretto: kurz, stark und belebend. 59 Sekunden für 24h! https://www.audiostretto.online Neu auch auf Englisch: https://www.audiostretto.online/start-english zB.https://podcasts.apple.com/ch/podcast/audiostretto-59-4-24-english/id1585435087

Pod Povrch Fyzioterapie

Pojďte se s fyzioterapeuty Tomášem Kavkou a Richardem Kaniou vydat na cestu prozkoumávající témata související s fyzioterapií a bolestí. V každém dílu si vybereme jednu oblast, kterou pro Vás zpracujeme a společně pak probereme, jak dané téma vnímáme my a jak na danou problematiku nahlíží odborná literatura. Naším cílem je podívat se trochu hlouběji, než je v běžném životě bez zastavení možné. Budeme velmi rádi, když náš podcast pomůže rozvířit diskuzi a konfrontovat nejrůznější mýty a polopravdy, které jsou podle nás často zdrojem zbytečné námahy a frustrace anebo mají dokonce negativní vliv.