Podcast Directory

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Imagina todo mundo vacinado até SETEMBRO? O @unidospelavacina é uma iniciativa privada pra levar a vacina do #covid19 pra toda a população até setembro, um sonho, né? #unidospelavacina #influencerdobem #mulheresdobrasil #hackathon

Pillow Talks

Meet Vanessa and Xander Marin, your new BFF couple friends! She’s a sex therapist with 20 years of experience and he’s a regular dude. Together they’re the shockingly open, slightly nerdy, and seriously funny couple you want to grab sushi with. They share the ups and downs in their relationship while giving you step-by-step techniques for improving yours. Subscribe for your weekly double date full of totally do-able sex tips, practical relationship advice, hilarious and honest stories of what really goes on behind closed bedroom doors, and so much more. It’s the sex education you WISH you’d had!

Natural Misconceptions

It's my hope to become certified to become a Fertility Care Practitioner (which means I will have the right and privilege of instructing women to chart their cycles with the Creighton method of NFP). In the meantime, I'll be spending my free time filling you in on the good, the bad, and the ugly, of NFP.

Journey Into Healing with The Pillars of Wellness

In Alden's inaugural wellness presentation, the Inspired Wellness Group shares the importance of the Pillars of Wellness. These "pillars" address evidence-based lifestyle choices and practices that help manage stress, enhance mindfulness, nurture relationships, while amplifying mental, emotional, physical and spiritual well-being. Wellness is an active process of living a fully engaged life at every level of our being. It involves awakening to who we really are to make the most life affirming choices and fully engage the healing process.

Healthy Habits, No Restrictions Podcasts

Dieting has led many people to be frustrated and feel shame about food and their bodies. Healthy at EVERY size (HAES), Intuitive Eating and Mindful Eating- empowers people to develop a positive relationship with food while building skills to be healthy and happy in all body sizes. In a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere practitioners that focus on these aspects will share what they have learned or what they are learning or their own struggles with eating, dieting, and their bodies. So, grab a cup of tea, a snack and come be a part of this community that is healing and learning together Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/wellnesscenterpodcast/support

TnT Fitcast - Der Fitness Unternehmer Podcast

TnT Fit-Cast ist ein wöchentlicher Fitness Podcast für Unternehmer und Führungskräfte, die gesunde, zielführende Ernährung und sportlichen Ausgleich in ihren Alltag integrieren wollen. Hier dreht sich alles darum, wie du Fitness & Unternehmertum miteinander vereinbaren kannst, für mehr Leistungsfähigkeit und Erfüllung im Leben. Die Gastgeber Tobias Röske, Timo Striffler und viele spannende Unternehmer-Persönlichkeiten heißen dich herzlich Willkommen!

「ゴキゲンらぼ」-サステナブルな生き方問答- 禅とメディテーションのPodcast

ゆったりゆるやかな坐禅をお伝えする僧侶・小杉瑞穂、シリコンバレーで活躍する女性僧侶でありヒーラーの森香有とイェール大学で science of well-beingを学んだ今井みさことよる生きる智慧を大公開! あなたに癒やしとゴキゲンに生きるための開運術をお届けします♡ サンフランシスコから心とカラダをゴキゲンにするアイディアを発信している「ゴキゲンらぼ」の人気コンテンツです! 2021年メンタルヘルス・ヘルスアンドフィットネス部門で1位になり、モンゴルや香港、台湾などでもランキングにランクインしている日本を代表するウェルビーイングのPodcastです。

1 Thema 4 Coaches! Der INHESA Talk.

1 Thema – 4 Coaches. Niemand muss allein durch seine Probleme. Gemeinsam in einem Reflecting Team über Lösungen nachzudenken ist produktiv und entlastend. Belastende Konflikte im Arbeits- oder Privatleben, mentale oder emotionale Herausforderungen, gesundheitliche Themen, große und kleine Nöte aus dem Leben: Ein Gast stellt in jeder Folge sein Thema oder Problem vor. Und 4 erfahrene Coaches reflektieren gemeinschaftlich und suchen nach Erklärungsansätzen, Lösungen, Tipps und Tricks aus Medizin und Coaching. Der Podcast ist bewusst nicht gescripted, sondern live recorded. Coaching unplugged.

A Doctor Delivers Podcast with Shannon M. Clark, MD

A Maternal-Fetal Medicine specialist, Dr. Shannon M. Clark, delivers information to help guide you on your journey from trying to conceive to parenthood using her medical expertise, personal experiences and help from other medical experts! Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/adoctordeliverspodcast/support

The Quotecast

Hoi iedereen, in deze podcast bespreek ik quotes. Welke emoties en gedachten komen er bij mij op? En hoe zijn die van toepassing op mijn leven? We bespreken elke twee weken een quote. Hopelijk heb je met mijn stem in je oren nooit het gevoel dat je alleen bent en ga jij je steeds krachtiger voelen. X, The Quotecast X, Sara