Podcast Directory

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(兩位主講者現為央廣《情緒腦萬歲》復興《情緒的秘密》節目主持人,舒服的閱聽享受和每週精心準備的節目,值得你收藏!) 情緒就像感冒一樣,人人難逃,都需要學會照顧虛弱的自己, 也請聽我們為你讀一首詩,用美好的文字療癒你, 我們每種情緒會花五集細談,全面深度地陪你探究裡頭百轉千迴的小心思, 相信透過感受,我們能找回完整的自己! 🎬Youtube: https://reurl.cc/Q7joGq 🎮臉書粉專 https://reurl.cc/py7kAx 歡迎線上收聽央廣《情緒腦萬歲》,從腦科學談情緒! https://www.rti.org.tw/radio/programView/id/1650


Aprenda como os óleos essenciais podem auxiliar com as suas emoções.

Seksuāli inteliģents

Lai stiprinātu no aizspriedumiem brīvu un seksuālo dažādību iekļaujošu, vienotu sabiedrību, atklātās sarunās kopā ar studijas viesiem - pašmāju seksuālo labklājību aktualizējošiem nozaru ekspertiem, viedokļu līderiem un sociāliem aktīvistiem - papildināsim savas zināšanas, paplašināsim savu redzesloku un iedrošināsim viens otru atvērtākai komunikācijai par personības seksualitāti un ar to saistītajiem izaicinājumiem un iespējām. Seko mūsu kanālam un uzzini: ❓ kas ir seksuālā inteliģence un kāds ir seksuāli inteliģents cilvēks, ❓ kādus resursus var izmantot, kuri veicinās Tavu seksuālo inteliģenci, ❓ kādi dzimumu stereotipi pastāv un kāpēc tie traucē veidot attiecības, ❓ kāpēc par seksualitātes jautājumiem ir jārunā, ❓ kādu nozīmi seksualitāte spēlē mūsu ikdienā. Gan šos, gan daudzus citus ar personības seksuālo labklājību saistītus jautājumus mēģinās aktualizēt klīniskā psiholoģe, konsultante seksualitātes un partnerattiecību jautājumos Kristīne Balode un aktieris Maksims Busels.

SELF LOVE IN 60 SECONDS with Megha Bhatia

Megha Bhatia is a graduate of the University College of London. She believes that finding self-love in the journey of life is the most beautiful gift one can give to oneself. Self-Love is beyond gender, caste, country, and sexual orientation. It is for everybody. A young professional completed her masters from the University College of London. She has been a TEDx Speaker Twice. She is a founder of Our Voix, a youth-led organization working on child sexual abuse prevention. Founder of Heyselflovebox, an initiative to spread self-love. She has conducted workshops on Self Love for individuals from different states in India and for people from different countries. Her work has been featured in the Times of India. Through her podcast, she aims to share easy steps to dive deep into self-love and also brings onboard speakers who have been advocating for self-love. It's time to say to yourself: Hey, Self. I love you. https://www.instagram.com/meghabhatia31/



Vida asertiva

Estucha los TIPS que te ayudarán a elevar tu calidad de vida, siéntete bien por dentro y por fuera.


Todo lo que conlleva la legalización de aborto

1 Life, Live It!

Steve Callahan is a Life Coach, Professional Speaker, Personal Trainer, Entrepreneur, Realtor, Hockey Coach, Scout & TV Analyst, Father & Dog Dad. Living in what he calls his “2nd Life”, the “1 Life, Live It” Podcast is a vehicle & platform to grow braver, model your values & be an opportunity for you to impact the world. Through inspiring & motivating interviews & stories shared by the Global Warriors & “Life Nudgers” in our Lives who pave the way, this Podcast is the Canvas for those that choose to truly lead with love & respect. 1 Life, Live It! I get asked all of the time what does #1Life mean? It’s waking up 1 day, the day before you die & realizing that you gave it your all, the parenting of your children, the creation of your dreams, the building of your craft, the philanthropy of your life, it’s just all in, in theory, strategy, execution & emotion! 1 Life, Live It!


Un podcast creado para la ayuda del auto conocimiento y el desarrollo personal con temas de interés y análisis de libros.