Podcast Directory

This version of the Podcast Directory requires Winamp 5.9

Abrimos Melón

El podcast donde hablamos de movidas mientras comemos. @ivoriginal y @CodingCarlos.

Everyday Anarchism

The core idea of this podcast comes from David Graeber, who wrote that our everyday life is mostly run on anarchism, and at the same time people believe that anarchism doesn’t work. One of these is wrong. I hope to illuminate how our communities already depend on Mutual Aid, in big and small ways. I'll do that by excavating the historical events and cultural trends you already know about, but have never thought about in terms of anarchism. Find me at https://www.everydayanarchism.com

Yang Lagi Relate

Podcast yang lagi relate sama kehidupan.

Jonathan Leandro

Geração Z e Juventude


"MÄNNERSEELEN" umfasst ein breitgefächertes Spektrum an Themen. In unserer aktuellen, zweiten Staffel beschäftigen wir uns allem voran mit philosophischen Themen, wie z.B. dem der Unsterblichkeit, der Frage nach der Gefahr von künstlicher Intelligenz; "Besteht ein Zusammenhang zwischen unserem heutigen Lebensstil und psychischer Erkrankungen?", oder stellen uns gesellschaftsrelevanten Fragen, darunter: "Wie wichtig ist Geld?". Die komplette erste Staffel hat dagegen viele Themen, die spiritueller Natur sind. Viel Spaß beim Hören! Eure Männerseelen!

Let’s Get Black To…

“Let’s Get Black To…” is a podcast designed to challenge, educate, and start conversations amongst the Black community and those alike. Featuring two Black, Bisexual Creatives, Ti and Marc bring a young, vibrant, and real perspective to to issues new and old. We tackle new struggles, old stigmas, and offer some solutions to make our never ending existence easier. Join us on our plight to inform and entertain!

vibes em análise

a psicanálise pode nos ajudar a entender o mundo em que vivemos e as mudanças do nosso tempo? o podcast da @floatvibes traz sessões de análise com os pesquisadores e psicanalistas André Alves @reflektory_ e Lucas Liedke @lucasliedke para escutar as VIBES culturais e comportamentais que estão submersas no nosso inconsciente.

Co-Capts the Podcast

Co-Capts is a podcast hosted by Gretchen and Cayo where they share experiences of running a home, building a family, and everything in between as they come up with their own playbook to compete in the biggest challenge that is life!

Di cosa parliamo

Come cambia la lingua in un Paese che cambia.
Un podcast di Beatrice Cristalli e Luigi Lupo, prodotto da Piano P con il sostegno di N26, la banca per smartphone https://n26.com/it-it/.
L'illustrazione della cover è di Bianca Bagnarelli.

3 Girls in 3 Countries

Real life pals Beth, Dids, and Justine’s candid conversations about random interesting things as their friendship cross borders from the motherland Philippines to Canada and Japan.