Podcast Directory

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香港地方雖然不大,但人口密雜,文化多元,各個地區有不同的環境、氣氛,不同的過去、現在與發展,因此,形成了各種各樣的地區特色。 一連二十集半小時的訪談節目《街角•有樂》,搜尋屬於香港的地方情懷,探討香港不同的地區面貎和特徵;每集環繞一個地區,帶出屬於該區的獨特命題,透過主持和嘉賓的分享,介紹各區的新舊資料、有趣事物、生活文化、社區精神等,內容不單包含各區的小人物故事,更有特別環節,讓街坊抒發他們的苦、樂與心聲。期望每集節目都讓觀眾更認識香港各區的街頭角落,令大家對身邊的事、物、人、情有更深的體會和共鳴。 主持:陳健朗Kelvin、何思諺Leanne


Somos dos mujeres profesionales de diferentes campos con inquietudes similares acerca de problemáticas que se generan a nuestro alrededor. Un espacio de reflexión acerca de temas sociales, coyunturales y organizacionales, que esperamos sean para tí un hallazgo inesperado y afortunado. Cuestionamos e invitamos al debate, entendiendo que sólo, a través del diálogo, somos capaces de cambiar nuestra realidad. Serendipia, la fortuna de encontrarnos.

This is RANDOM

What do you do when you have an opinion that you think no one cares about? You talk about it anyway. Welcome to This is RANDOM! The podcast where we cover topics ranging from the abnormal to the controversial and anything in between. Where by the end of the episode, we'll have you thinking "well that was random".


人生在世,如果可以從別人身上觀照出自己的不足和弱點,再而找到奮鬥的目標和志向就容易得多。 我們一生會遇着很多過客,有些只是點頭之交,交情淺薄;有些是莫逆之交,陪着你度過人生最重要的階段;有些更是你的領航員,他的出現成為你生命的燈塔,指引着你日後的發展。 每個人總會遇到一些伯樂,或者影響你想法的人,這些啟發你的人可能是有傑出成就、街知巷聞的名人;可能是和你朝夕相對的良師益友;也可能是街角名不見經傳的小人物。我們被他們感染是因為他們對生命有一份熱誠,對喜愛的事物有一份執着。 全新一輯《香港故事》,專訪十個來自不同界別,以他人成功經驗為學習目標的個案,了解他們如何受到啟發,刻苦奮鬥,活出精彩人生的故事。節目更會安排一次相遇,讓個案近距離觀摩榜樣人物的工作技巧及態度,繼而合作完成任務;或是安排兩人直接交談,碰撞出燦爛的火花,以生命影響生命。

Tony Bellew Is Angry

Tony Bellew is angry, and he can't take it out in the boxing ring anymore. So, he's going toe-to-toe with a guest to find out what makes them angry and how they deal with it.

Sme výber (Ľudia píšu Tisovi, Ako šafránu, Muzikantské reči, Tak bolo)

Máte radi podcasty, no neviete, ktorý z nich si pustiť? Strácate sa v ich množstve a premýšľate, ktorý skutočne stojí za váš čas? V tom prípade ste tu správne. V SME podcasty vyrábame viac ako päť rokov a dnes v našom portfóliu nájdete približne 20 podcastov. Vo feede SME výber nájdete tipy na dobré podcasty aj zaujímavé minisérie od rôznych tvorcov aj odporúčania novinárov a novinárok denníka SME.

What a Weird World

A paranormal podcast. Hosted by Kyli Kurtz. Let’s get spooky and share stories of everything from ghosts to government conspiracy! We discuss cryptids, hauntings, urban legends, unsolved mysteries, and all things paranormal or weird. Do you like mysteries? Are you a believer…. are you a skeptic? Do you use humor to hide your utter confusion and be-wonderment of this existence? This is your show… Join us every Wednesday and discover what a weird world we live in! Send us your own story to be featured in an episode!whataweirdworldpod@gmail.com Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/whataweirdworld/support


Периодически: задаемся вопросами "как жить", "как строить отношения" и "как бороться с комплексами". Постоянно: душним.

Dongeng Sebelum Tidur

Perlahan semuanya akan terselesaikan.

Talibanes Y Mujeres Afganas

Los talibanes y las mujeres afganas le están dando la vuelta al mundo.