Podcast Directory

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Reponses de mecs

Tous les Mardis, 3 mecs répondent à la question posée par 1 femme. A partir de quand vous vous considérez en couple ? Est ce que ça vous arrive d'avoir un comportement en opposition avec vos mots ? ? Est-ce qu'une femme indépendante ça vous fait peur ? Autant de questions que certaines femmes se posent et à laquelle on propose des réponses.

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Podcast gratuit du coup y a de la pub mais si tu t'abonnes via acast +, pour te remercier de ton soutien, il n'y a plus de pubs.

Un podcast proposé par Compagnie Club & Les Gentilshommes.

Voir Acast.com/privacy pour les informations sur la vie privée et l'opt-out. Become a member at https://plus.acast.com/s/reponses-de-mecs


The Creative Superheroes Podcast

The Creative Superheroes podcast is a place to gather inspiration and learn from a wide range of Creative Superheroes. These are brilliant authors, artists, coaches and teachers who can help us cultivate more courage, more aliveness and more joy. Your host, Andrea Scher, is passionate about the sweet spot where creativity and personal growth intersect.


We're here to bring you a serendipitous experience through colorful story telling and heartfelt personal moments between us and our listeners.

Smokin With Tre

Let’s get to know each other the right way. From random conversations to the random guest. Pull up a chair and put “something” together with me while we take on this journey. (EXPLICIT CONTENT) For questions and or topic requests contact Tre at IG; tr3__pound or follow on Twitter @_TreMaC

Amazônia Sem Lei

Uma série pra você entender as disputas que pairam na Amazônia e no Cerrado. Agora. Para além do que aparece nas manchetes || Em episódios mensais, Clarissa Levy e Ricardo Terto mergulham em histórias urgentes que foram investigadas pela equipe da Agência Pública.

Issues of Life

Have you ever had a conversation that left you feeling like you actually just spent your time well? Yep, that's how I want people to feel when they hear me speak. Enter the Issues of life podcast! I absolutely enjoy meaningful conversations. The podcast is the perfect place for me to speak on wide range of topics with the goal of positively impacting listeners and giving you a fresh perspective on daily life issues. I'm delighted to have you listen in on my thoughts! Feel free to leave a message if there is topic you would like to hear me speak on, I'd love to hear from you!!!

Era só o que me faltava

Era só o que me faltava, se já é complicado na minha cabeça, imagina pra esse mundão todo. Então... vamos tentar descomplicar um pouco da aquilo que já é complicado pra todes.

Banished by Booksmart Studios

Banished is a show about our reassessment of the many people, ideas, objects and even works of art that conflict with modern sensibilities. What can we learn about our present obsession with cancel culture by examining history, and what might it mean for freedom of expression? And how do we reconcile opposing points of view without turning on each other? For subscriber-only content, visit http://banished.substack.com.


Calm Culture Creations

Communicating As Life Moves Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/dr-angelo-r-berry/support

¿Qué es la creatividad ?

Una pequeña idea acerca de la creatividad para poder aclarar