Podcast Directory

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Podcast Filosofal

Neste Podcast, propusemos a ideia de trazer algumas discussões entre amigos acerca de filosofia e dos conteúdos tratados em sala de aula, abordando de uma forma muito mais espontânea sem perder a didática.

Ces Garçons Là

Bonjour et bienvenue dans "Ces Garcons Là", un podcast qui met en avant des hommes au destin, à la vie, à l'engagement exceptionnel, au parcours de vie remarquable. Résilience pour certains, passé douloureux pour d'autres, engagements altruistes ou écologiques, sexualité, culture, cinéma, Ces Garcons Là sont comme vous et moi, certains sont célèbres, d'autres sont de parfais inconnus. Pourtant, ils méritent tous de prendre la parole pour témoigner de leur passé, de leurs opinions, de leurs militantisme, de leur humanité.  Tous les 15 jours, je vous propose de passer un dimanche avec des personnalités parfois meurtries, parfois engagées, toujours remarquables, qui, durant une petite heure, vont se confier au micro de Ces Garcons Là. Si vous souhaitez me contacter, vous pouvez le faire en DM via la page Instagram @cesgarconsla (https://www.instagram.com/cesgarconsla/) Je vous souhaite une excellente ecoute, et n'oubliez pas de venir vous abonner au compte Instagram, et si le coeur vous en dit, si le programme vous plait, mettez-nous une bonne note sur votre plateforme d'écoute. Nicolas.

Det næste kapitel

En samtale i to kapitler. I første møde lader Hassan Preisler sin gæst føre penslen, men i andet overtager han, og så er det ham, der tegner portrættet. Og han ind gennem sprækkerne, ind i mørket, ind og møde mennesket derinde, for i det uperfekte findes det egentlige bånd fra menneskesjæl til menneskesjæl. Vi er jo alle, når alt kommer til alt, både hovmodige, griske, misundelige, ødsle, vrede, dovne og nydelsessyge. Det er vores forbandelse, men også vores forbindelse - og dermed frelse - for så behøver vi jo ikke at være alene. Første gang gæst og vært mødes, er det på gæstens hjemmebane, men når de ses igen et par dage senere, så er det i Weekendavisens studier. Dette er Det Næste Kapitel.

The 3028: Theme Park History & Pop Culture Listory

The Thirty20Eight is a show about Disney History, Disney Listory and News. We are dedicated to the discussion and oral preservation of Disney history and its cultural influences.

Aack Cast by Jamie Loftus

Aack! Cathy, the iconic and much-maligned comic strip by Cathy Guisewite, chronicled the day-to-day tribulations of its titular working woman for 35 years, met with equal praise and derision. In this podcast, Jamie Loftus (Lolita Podcast, My Year in Mensa) weaves between reporting and fiction, putting a cruelly treated cartoon everywoman in context.

Headlong: Missing Richard Simmons

On February 15, 2014, fitness guru Richard Simmons disappeared. He stopped teaching his regular exercise class at Slimmons, cut off his closest friends, and removed himself from the public eye after decades as one of the most accessible celebrities in the world. Nobody has heard from him - and no one knows why he left. Filmmaker Dan Taberski was a Slimmons regular and a friend of Richard’s. Missing Richard Simmons is Dan’s search for Richard - and the deeper he digs, the stranger it gets. Listen to the podcast The New York Times calls "a cultural phenomenon."

Headlong is Dan Taberski’s documentary podcast that explores the lives of overlooked people, moments and events in our culture. Season 2 is Surviving Y2K. Season 3 is Running From COPS.




Birds Eye View

Our podcast will make you take a second guess on life, and make you really question our reality and society as a whole. We will try and make you feel as you are not alone and that its okay to dive deeper into yourself!

Once Upon A Life Podcast

Welcome to the OnceUponALife podcast!!! Life is different for all of us so no one is judging, get comfy and let’s dive in. Let’s talk about all things life. From food to sex and all that lies in between. With Brenda as your host and many wonderful guests,nothing is off limits

Trojka! De Russische Revolutie met Johan de Boose

In 1917 brak in Rusland de revolutie uit. Johan Deboose vertelt op een weergaloze manier hoe het zover kwam.