Podcast Directory

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Life Just Ain't Fair..

A Podcast about Life, Friendships, Relationships, Parenting. Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/lifejustaintfairpodcast/support

The Elegant Podcast

For women who want to improve their lives with passion, grace and elegance.

Poemas de amor

Diferentes tipos de poemas

Engaging The Phenomenon

Bringing Clarity To The Unidentified [Aerial Phenomena]. Research and Field Work investigating UFOs and related phenomena: UFO/UAP, CE-5, Consciousness. An inclusive approach to The UFO Phenomenon. Follow & Support us on YOUTUBE and PATREON! Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/engagingthephenomenon/support

Jojo's Lounge

Unscripted!! All shades of teenage hood , entertainment inclined. I basically talk about things how i see it, hardly sugar coat em...

Etalase Patah Hati

Selamat datang di Etalase Patah Hati. Etalase untuk merayakan luka, cara bereskapisme dari kekalahan. instagram: @etalasepatahhati


On this show we will openly and honestly discuss a variety of trending topics as well as life in general,. we will do our best to be considerate of others, as we discover, bond and heal together through our voices. Thank you for joining us on this journey.

İki Dünya - Zwei Welten

Deutsch-Türkische Lebenslinien Herzlich Willkommen zum "İki Dünya - Zwei Welten" Podcast. Mein Name ist Canan Uzerli und als Tochter einer deutschen Mutter und eines türkischen Vaters bin ich in Deutschland geboren und bikulturell, Deutsch-Türkisch aufgewachsen. Als Sängerin verbinde ich mit meiner Musik meine beiden Kulturen und habe in meinen Liedern bisher meine persönlichen Themen verarbeitet. In diesem Podcast interviewe ich Menschen, die mit diesen beiden Kulturen leben und aufgewachsen sind. Mich interessieren dabei ihre Erlebnisse, Erfahrungen, Herausforderungen, Gedanken und Gefühle hinsichtlich ihrer Bikulturalität. Kurz: ihre deutsch-türkischen Lebenslinien.

The 180° Marriage Coach Podcast

My podcast “The 180° Marriage Coach” is about giving couples that are guest on my podcast an assessment test. Once they have taken the assessment I will go over the results with them to talk about the areas that they are compatible, and areas that they need to work on in their relationship. The assessment will also report if they are ready for marriage or not. The assessment will help them to set relationship goals. The test results are a relationship map to grooming their marriage. On this podcast I will also be talking about many topics that pertain to relationships.

Yes, We Gotchu!

Wondering how to come out to your family? Or how to deal with anxiety as an LGBTQ+ member? Maybe you’d also like to know how to travel on a budget, live a laptop lifestyle or how to live life on your own terms? Then, Yes, We Gotchu podcast is for you! Yes, We Gotchu is hosted by Jiyuu, a gay Asian woman who has been with her partner Mirai for 10+ years now. We’re the podcast you listen to late at night, when you feel like crying because you feel hopeless. We’re the friend you ask advice from when you want to feel supported. You're free to be yourself here. #itgetsbetter #yeswegotchu #pride