Podcast Directory

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El Bestiario

Dentro de este podcast moran los seres más aterradores del panteón mitológico de nuestras comunidades. "Una producción de CODICULTA A.C. y el Baúl de las Leyendas"

Gedanken zur Zukunft

Lukas-Pierre Bessis, Zukunftsforscher und Digitaler Evangelist, macht sich in dieser Podcastserie Gedanken zu den Veränderungen der kommenden 15 Jahre. #Leben2035

MELEKAT : Mengenal Lebih Dekat

Podcast "Melekat: Mengenal Lebih Dekat" merupakan output dari program kerja HALMAS BEM FH Undip "Kumpul Bareng Alumni" dan juga merupakan lanjutan dari podcast yang ada di IG BEM FH Undip. Dengan adanya podcast melalui Instagram dan Spotify ini diharapkan akan menjadi jembatan untuk menjalin silaturahmi antara alumni FH Undip dengan mahasiswa. Adanya Melekat podcast ini diharapkan pula masyarakat FH Undip bisa mendapatkan berbagai insight seputar pengalaman, pencapaian serta hal-hal positif yang diberikan oleh alumni sehingga bisa menjadi pandangan baru dalam menjalani kehidupan di FH Undip.

Build Your Foundation

Caroline Pak, CDFA® is the founder and CEO of Foundations Divorce Solutions in Seattle, WA. Join her Friday Podcast "Build Your Foundation" based on her "Five Minute Friday" series to learn more about all things divorce. Caroline's focus in her practice is financial analysis and mediation for divorcing couples. If you have topics you'd like covered or are going through your own financially complicated divorce please don't hesitate to reach out at www.foundationsdivorcesolutions.com.


Tête-à-tête é uma produção AFluência, o canal de podcasts da Aliança Francesa Rio de Janeiro, dedicado a entrevistas com personalidades francófonas. Aqui, você descobre suas ricas trajetórias pessoais e profissionais e, é claro, a relação de cada um com a língua francesa! As entrevistas são em francês ou português, dependendo do entrevistado da vez. Novos episódios toda primeira terça-feira do mês.

La Agenda Gay

Somos dos amigos y siempre que alguno de los dos termina de ver o escuchar algo emocionante y jotero, nos llamamos para compartirnos y contarnos todo respecto a nuestra nueva obsesión. A veces sabemos de qué habla el otro y a veces no. Pero está bien porque de eso se trata. Así que decidimos hacer un podcast en donde nos dedicaremos a descubrir, comentar y analizar una película, un libro, alguna serie, un disco, hasta videojuegos o algún cómic con historias o personajes LGBT+ o bien a creadores, cineastas, escritores, fotógrafos, pintores y más.

Незамеченное поколение

Таксист–прозаик, поэт–грузчик, критик–бездомный — в русской литературе случалось и такое. Это подкаст о «незамеченном поколении» писателей–эмигрантов начала ХХ века. О людях большого таланта и сложной судьбы. Они редкость в домашних библиотеках. Их с трудом отыщешь в книжных магазинах. Их нет в школьной программе. Здесь мы рассказываем о судьбах и текстах этих людей. Мы – это Полина Проскурина–Янович и Валерия Пименова. Сайт проекта: https://nezamechennye.com Facebook проекта: https://www.facebook.com/nezamechennye Инстаграм проекта: https://www.instagram.com/nezamechennye

RightWin Shafi

“It's not what you achieve, it's what you overcome. That's what defines your career." "The best way to predict the future is to create it." "Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time." "I think everyone should experience defeat at least once during their career. You learn a lot from it." "I want to look back on my career and be proud of the work, and be proud that I tried everything." "Dreams are extremely important. You can't do it unless you imagine it." "Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom."


"HustleChats" is Hustlecraft's speaker series. Lead by founder Alexandria Ott and her insatiable appetite for learning about what makes a hustler tick, she will interview people from all walks of life on how they continue to create and build community. Ott will be chatting with local designers, craftspeople, movers, shakers and business leaders about the things that happen behind the scenes. With so many business owners in uncharted territory, HustleChats will invite open dialogue about personal experiences in hopes of opening the door to new ideas for creatives + small business owners.

Debate: Inclusão de lipídios na dieta de ruminantes

Podcast elaborado pelos alunos de Bioquímica Metabólica do curso de Engenharia Agronômica da Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia.