Podcast Directory

This version of the Podcast Directory requires Winamp 5.9

What If Kaya with Dey & Kim

What If Kaya with Dey and Kim explores various possibilities and realities ranging from movies to pop culture and life itself. Join us as we navigate through different plots, stories, endings, and realizations that we encounter 13,186kms apart.

Jeet Thoughts

This isn’t some silly, motivational cliche podcast on why you will be doomed if you don’t concentrate on your studies. This podcast is hosted by Vishwajit, an Indian Medical Student now studying in Coimbatore Medical College, India but has previously spent most of his life in Muscat, Oman. This show will explore the struggles of an Indian Student trying to find his identity, juggling emotions, balancing tuition and school, his culture shock on returning to India, being the good guy, the bad guy, handling disappointment and failure, yet also being successful.

kà-kê series

Những cuộc trò chuyện không có chủ đề định trước. Không có nhân vật nổi tiếng nào. Giữa tiếng chén dĩa, ly tách, hay tiếng thành phố. Tôi muốn giữ nó rất ư thật thà và bình dị, như những gì đã luôn giữ tôi tử tế và thiết tha trong đời. ----- Một series của MAD. https://www.facebook.com/danghuynhmaianh

Alan Watts Being in the Way

Take a deep dive into the collected recordings of Alan Watts with Alan’s son, Mark Watts. 

Being in the Way is a podcast series that explores the Alan Watts Archive’s 100-hour tape collection - including recordings not heard in 40 years. We will meet some of the people being influenced by the works of Alan Watts today and learn a little of the history behind how these remarkable recordings were made. 

Mark and his guests offer reflections on Alan’s ideas— ideas that were radically innovative and groundbreaking in the sixties and seventies, and yet seem to have come of age today.

Being in the Way is brought to you by the Alan Watts Organization, in partnership with Ram Dass' Be Here Now Network.

Check out all of the Alan Watts Organization's offerings at alanwatts.org


(Re)Flexões Cerebrais

Este podcast foi criado para difundir as crônicas e contos que escrevo em meu blog (Re)Flexôes Cerebrais nos quais abordo as dificuldades de ser uma mulher negra no Brasil. Visite o Blog e veja antecipadamente os novos episódios antes de sua estreia nesta plataforma. Blog: http://www.reflexoescerebrais.com Siga-me no instagram: @_karinedeo / https://www.instagram.com/_karinedeo/


Manusia yang mencari kenyamanan di sebuah ketidaktahuan.

SPILLOVER - aus kreativen Ideen wird Zukunft gemacht

SPILLOVER - aus kreativen Ideen wird Zukunft gemacht! Apps und Augmented Realities, Medien und Musik, Fotografien und Werbestrategien: Wer sind die kreativen Köpfe hinter originellen Ideen und Technologien? Welche Effekte haben Kreativprodukte und künstlerische Werke auf Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft? Wo finden kreative Leistungen konkret Anwendung? Und wie gedeihen Kreativität und Innovation? Im Podcast der Heidelberger Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft erzählen Kreative “made in Heidelberg” ihre Geschichten, berichten über das, was sie tun und was sie umtreibt und das Beste: Sie sind "made in Heidelberg"! Freut euch auf hilfreiche Tipps - von Kreativen für Kreative, von Kreativen für ihre Kunden. Lassen auch Sie sich inspirieren! SPILLOVER ist ein kostenloser Audio-Podcast der Stabsstelle Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft der Stadt Heidelberg in Zusammenarbeit mit der bildbrauerei UG. Jeden Monat neu!


Nul n’est censé ignorer la loi ce dicton signifie que « le je ne sais pas » ne vaut rien quand on règle un litige, ignorer la loi c’est ce faire avoir à tous les coups. Ce podcast permet à ses auditeurs de ne pas être le dindon de la farce. Alors posez moi toutes les questions de droit que vous voulez, ou toutes les précisions qui vous semblent pertinente sur rosae.eirl@gmail com

Anja Petzold - Der Podcast

"Bunt wie das Leben" - ist ein unterhaltsamer, launiger Podcast, der direkt ins Herz geht, zum Nachdenken anregt und neue Blickwinkel ermöglicht. Erzählt werden Heldenreisen und Mutmacher-Geschichten mit all jenen, die das Leben lieben, Krisen gemeistert haben und uns mit ihren Erfahrungen bereichern können. Ein bunter Themenmix mit Menschen, die was zu sagen haben. Einfach, weil's Spaß macht und Zeit in diesem Podcast keine Rolle spielt. Lass uns mal darüber reden, mal sehen wo uns die Reise hinführt.

Wonder & Sonder

Wonder & Sonder is a podcast dedicated to listening and learning to the people of the Anoka County community. Together, we site down to listen, wonder, learn, and come to the realization that each random passerby lives as unique and complex as a life as our own, and we want to invite you to do the same!