Podcast Directory

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Sandrine Betty's Podcast

In this episode, we talk about how some bad times in business do not mean you are a bad business person.

Rising Coaches With Sofia Bernardi

Rising Coaches With Sofia Bernardi is a podcast set to inspire coaches to master their mindset and create a 6 figure business. Sofia Rose Bernardi is a certified Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) practitioner, hypnotherapist, certified life coach and speaker, helping women globally to transform their lives.    Let's Connect: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sofiarosebernardi/ Website: http://sofiarosebernardi.com/ Facebook Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/risingcoaches All Links: http://sofiarosebernardi.com/links Free Clarity Call: www.sofiarosebernardi.com/chat

Marketing per la Farmacia 4.0

All’interno di questa serie di podcast verranno date indicazioni di Category Management, Visual Merchandising, strategie di gestione della Farmacia

ONEtoONE Corporate Finance

Somos asesores en operaciones corporativas decididos a contarte todo sobre el mundo del M&A. ¿Sabes qué es una valoración? o ¿Cuáles son las etapas de una venta? ¡Escúchanos, resolveremos todas tus dudas! We are corporate transaction advisors determined to tell you all about the world of M&A. Do you know what a valuation is or what are the stages of a sale? Listen to us, we will answer all your questions!

The Credit Pearls

This podcast is for people that are interested in building a business. I interview business founders, directors and CEO's. They share their stories of failure success and what they have learned along the way.

The Global Talent War

Over the last several years, the business world has been waging a war that has largely gone unnoticed - a war for highly skilled talent. Like most wars, the global talent war is a brutal one, with casualties in the form of large enterprises, fledgling startups, and even employees. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic’s wide-reaching effects on operations and hiring practices across the world, the war has only intensified. But what does it take to survive the ongoing battle? Globalization Partners’ Charles Ferguson and Tech in Asia's Nathaniel Fetalvero investigate the many battlegrounds of the global talent war to find out what separates the players who will come out on top from those who will succumb to defeat. Globalization Partners: https://bit.ly/globalization-partners

The Simply Smart Business Show

Gemma Went's Simply Smart Business Show brings you the latest thoughts, tips and tricks to improve your business results online.


O PrimeCast é o podcast da Prime Energy. A Prime Energy foi criada em 2010 com o ideal de trazer a seus clientes produtos e serviços exclusivos na área de energia e sustentabilidade, voltados à redução de custos com energia. Contamos com especialistas altamente capacitados, com mais de dez anos de experiência no Mercado de Energia, que estão sempre atualizados sobre as constantes mudanças das regulamentações do setor elétrico e aptos a identificar oportunidades e soluções para seu negócio.

Success and Other Lies

Success and Other Lies is a podcast where we explore the options we all have to design our most authentic lives. We reflect on the paths we chose – and the paths we didn’t. Success is not a one way road. On this show we hold your hand while we find orientation in this crazy, lovely life.


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