Podcast Directory

This version of the Podcast Directory requires Winamp 5.9

High Energy Marketing

A Q&A podcast interviewing the CEO of Ajax Union, Joe Apfelbaum, about his book “High Energy Marketing.” Each episode will review a different chapter of Joe’s book sharing valuable tips on everything you need to know to properly grow your business online.

NIIF Esteban José Salcedo Vea.

Este es un podcast donde doy mi concepto sobre que son las normas de la información financiera y un poco de su historia.

Bit About Crypto

David James is the Founder of Block Chain Recruiters. He always had the uncanny ability to find the right person for the job, dating all the way back to when he was just 14 years old and he placed a sheep herder and made $6 for doing so! It was in that moment, "The Job Whisperer" was born. Join David James and his Co-Host David Hampton as they take a deep dive into the world of Crytpo Currency and the job opportunities that have been created as a result of it.


O IPLDcast é o podcast lançado pelo IPLD e tem o objetivo de trazer debates atuais sobre a temática de prevenção à lavagem de dinheiro e ao financiamento do terrorismo. Os episódios recebem profissionais e pessoas de renome para conversar sobre assuntos atuais e as melhores práticas de PLD-FT no país. O IPLDcast é a plataforma para oferecer ao nosso público, conteúdos importantes de forma dinâmica e acessível.

Ética Profissional


Project Engaged

Project Engaged is a podcast for wedding suppliers who are ready to level up their business! We (Eddy and Aleks) share our experience of turning a side hustle into a full time career for both of us with our successful wedding DJ business One More Song. In this podcast we interview experts and cover everything, from marketing and brand, client service and operational efficiency through to looking after yourself while running a business in the high-pressure wedding industry. We also interview real couples to get their insights into finding the right suppliers!

Diseño Gráfico Digital e Impreso

En esta sección encontrarás tips importantes a la hora de desarrollar tu marca en redes sociales y otros medios digitales.

La minute Emploi-Formation de l'AFT

Retrouvez la minute Emploi-Formation de la semaine avec l'AFT dans le podcast de la Radio Supply Chain : radiosupplychain.fr


If you are pro at being a bro come unto the bus with us brosandbusinc@gmail.com

Rozmowy o IT

Wybór technologii dla biznesu jest ogromnym wyzwaniem. Wymaga znajomości dostępnych rozwiązań, trendów w obszarze IT i biznesu, wiedzy z obszaru zarządzania projektami, dokładnej analizy potrzeb własnej firmy, pracowników, a także realizowanych procesów. Tempo rozwoju nowoczesnych technologii, cyfrowa transformacja i szereg nowych rozwiązań mogą dodatkowo utrudnić, i tak już skomplikowany proces decyzyjny. Aby zapewnić pełen zakres wiedzy na temat nowoczesnych technologii, systemu ERP i jego możliwości firma IT.integro zainicjowała cykl spotkań dla przedsiębiorców.