Podcast Directory

This version of the Podcast Directory requires Winamp 5.9

Visão Global

Série semanal na Antena 1, com a vida do País e do Mundo, histórias que marcam a atualidade, reportagens e o comentário especializado. Um programa do jornalista Mário Rui Cardoso.

Redvoluciones en Onda Vasca

Programa de radio en Onda Vasca sobre Música y Tecnologia. Dirigido y presentado por Joseba Lafuente. Colaboradores Josu Alesanco y Rafa Martínez. Os esperamos todos los sábados de 18h a 19h.

La Mecánica del caracol.

Espacio dedicado a la divulgación de la ciencia, la tecnología y la historia dirigido y presentado por Eva Caballero. Actualidad, experimentos, explicaciones a fenómenos cotidianos o extraordinarios, personajes y hechos históricos se dan cita en este programa.

Learn Microsoft Excel with MyExcelOnline

This podcast will teach beginner & intermediate Microsoft Excel users the different Excel tools like: Formulas, Pivot Tables, Charting, Analysis, Macros, VBA, Dashboards, Power BI, Add-Ins, Shortcuts plus much more. I interview Excel MVPs and experts around the world to share their Excel insights, knowledge, tips and tricks that will get you on the way to becoming an advanced Excel user, just like them.

EuskaDigital – Sarean Zehar

Sarean Zehar asteroko irratsaio teknologikoa da. Ordu batean berri garrantsitzuen birpasoa egiten dugu, guneko ekitakdi interesgarriak bilatzen ditugu eta ekimen teknologiko interesgarrienak ezagutzen ditugu.

Norteko Ferrokarrilla

Zientzia eta teknikari buruz jakin beharreko guztia, Gillermo Roak aurkeztuta, Elhuyar Fundazioarekin elkarlanean. Azken asmakizunak, ikerkuntza, ikertzaileak... Zientziaren inguruan zer ari den mugitzen jakin nahi? Ostiraletan 22:00etan, eta igandeetan bazkalostean.

Inside Intercom

On the Inside Intercom podcast you will hear the team from Intercom interview makers and do-ers from the worlds of product management, design, startups and marketing.

The AI in Business Podcast

Learn what's possible - and what's working - with artificial intelligence in the enterprise. Each week, Emerj founder Daniel Faggella interviews top AI and machine learning-focused executives and researchers in sectors like Pharma, Banking, Retail, Defense, and more. Discover trends, learn about what's working now, and learn how to adapt and thrive in an era of AI disruption. Be sure to subscribe to 'AI in Industry.'

TechNation Radio Podcast

TechNation Radio hosted by Dr Moira Gunn

The CultCast

The CultCast covers each week’s best Apple stories, news, and accessories for your iDevices and Mac—but more importantly—we do it with pizzaz. Why listen to another dreary tech program? Tune in to the CultCast each week for a healthy dose of Apple, jokes gone sour, and plenty of tangents.