Podcast Directory

This version of the Podcast Directory requires Winamp 5.9


Olá! Somos o grupo PET do curso de Geologia da Universidade Federal do Ceará!

Digital Transformation in Pathology

Get the inside track on digital pathology. This podcast is essential listening for anyone wanting to increase their knowledge about this field. Hear from expert guests and benefit from in-depth discussions.

Mario Molina

Mario Molina y breve historia de su vida y estudios

FM 101,1 Programação Podvet o melhor podcast de veterinária e saúde pública

Podcast-Animais sinantrópicos 1- O que são animais sinantrópico? 2-Como ocorre a disseminação desses animais? 3- O que favorece esse comportamento de invasão a áreas urbanas? 4-Qual o papel do médico veterinário mediante a essa situação?

Centre for Youth and International Studies (CYIS) - Podcasts

Founded in 2020 in Brussels, the Centre for Youth and International Studies is a voluntary, youth-oriented and non-partisan think-tank with a strong in-house research capacity of exceptional young professionals. We are working to provide content that covers the following topics: humanitarian, politics, environment and economics.

¿Consciencias en movimiento o mentes mecanizadas? Podcast Lab Mov #1

En esta ocasión nos acompañará el psicólogo y profesor universitario, Cristian Contreras (Mg. Desarrollo Cognitivo). Vamos a explorar las profundidades (y no tan profundidades) de la consciencia y el aprendizaje, tratando de cachar si a esta rama de la investigación científica le hace sentido el movimiento corporal, o si simplemente nos toman por máquinas lineales de reproducción. Desde el legado de Humberto Maturana hasta los nuevos campos de investigación.

Tratamento de diabetes

Tratamento de diabete

PEAS in a PODcast

Welcome to PEAs in a PODcast! We are Henry, Nathan, Sia, and Subin; a group of 4 students who are passionate about psychology and have come together (like peas in a pod) to discuss the world of psychology and the various ways it influences our lives. We strive to be entertaining and informative, with a special focus on student life. Check us out!

Ozone drying

Ozone drying of fruits and vegetables to prevent pathogens growth

Sistemas de Gestión de Energía

Presentación personal